You searched for "imbalance"

897 results found

Leading and managing audiology service through a social enterprise model

As these things sometimes happen, our first conversations about Social Enterprise happened pretty much by chance and in our case were a by-product of discussions about a new department having outgrown the current one. The National Health Service (NHS) Audiology...

Tish Gaffney – AAA President

From a sunny Southend, UK, Gareth Smith takes 10 minutes to dial into the Sunshine State, USA, and catch up with Tish Gaffney for a lightning-speed chat on the movements and motivations of the 35th president of the American Academy...

St Blaise - patron saint of the throat

In a previous article, we looked at some interesting legends surrounding patron saints of the ear and hearing [1]. As we celebrate the Feast Day of St Blaise of Sebastia on 3 February, we hear some fascinating tales and myths...

Bringing space science to balance and tinnitus

Jameel Muzaffar is a specialist registrar in ENT surgery in the West Midlands. His research interests include applications of imaging to ENT. Chris Coulson is a consultant otologist, particularly interested in the development of technological solutions. He is part of...

ENT in this issue...The Future of ENT (Mar/Apr19)

Chris CoulsonENT Surgeon; Managing Director of endoscope-i E: The future, predict it at your peril’, said me – just now. But despite this (rather late) warning, we have managed to commission five articles from futurists within our midst. The...

Adult-onset hearing loss and dementia – a position statement

The UK’s leading hearing loss organisations have joined forces to highlight misleading reports by some health professionals and the media that hearing loss causes dementia, and treating hearing loss will reduce our individual risk of dementia.

Adolescence, drug use and body image

Teenagers are notoriously conscious of how they are perceived by others. Dr Saraiva and colleagues explain how this can lead to problems with substance abuse for both boys and girls, and discuss the different substances they may encounter. Adolescence is...

Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation – Second Edition

The second edition of Raymond Hull’s ‘Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation’ does exactly what it sets out to do, that is to provide a very solid foundation for guiding clinical services in the field of aural rehab. The book is written...

ENT Masterclass®: Cyber Textbook of Operative Surgery - 5th Edition

The fifth edition of Cyber Textbook of Operative Surgery by ENT Masterclass has been a game changer. It is probably the world’s largest ‘virtual library’ of ENT surgical videos with over 540 videos of ‘surgical masters’ from International Centres of...

Sushruta and Indian rhinoplasty

Vijay Pothula explains rhinoplasty’s roots in ancient Indian Ayurvedic medicine, and how it was introduced to the Western world. In 1794 The Gentleman’s Magazine published a surgical operation which was long established in India but unknown in Europe [1]. A...

Audiology Training – Time to change our Spots? A student’s perspective of the Scientist Training Programme

In the “Just-so Stories”, the accomplished wordsmith Rudyard Kipling details how the leopard got his spots. Which concludes that the leopard will never change his appearance again as he is quite content just the way he is. The former degree...

Vestibular rehabilitation therapy: diagnosis based strategies

In his second article on this topic (see here for the first article), Richard E Gans explains how to use vestibular rehabilitation therapy to treat vestibular patients, and demonstrates why this method of diagnosis based strategies has proved so successful....