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1747 results found

New Audiometer Keyboard from Interacoustics

Interacoustics is happy to release a new, dedicated keyboard for audiometry that fits side by side with your regular PC keyboard.

Audiology in this issue...Advances in the Diagnostic Test Battery (Mar/Apr19)

Priya Carling, AuD, Director and Consultant Audiologist,Kent Hearing Ltd, UK. E: The 3 March is the World Health Organisation’s World Hearing Day 2019. This year, the theme is ‘check your hearing’ to encourage early identification and management of hearing...

Electronic nicotine delivery systems (e-cigarettes): what you need to know

As an aid to stopping smoking e-cigarettes may have a role, but they are heavily promoted by industry as a leisure pursuit and desirable fashion accessory. Sneh Biyani and Craig Derkay gives a thorough account of what we know about...

Audiological and psychological consequences of single-sided deafness

The loss of sound input from one ear has a significant impact on our perception of our acoustic environment. This impact is compounded in adverse listening conditions. Rachel Knappett’s article explores the audiological impact of this hearing loss and the...

The ear-brain connection in cochlear implant users: learning to listen again

While the cochlear implant (CI) has been a tremendous success in restoring hearing to deaf individuals, the implantation outcome still varies across CI users [1]. Some demographic factors, such as duration of deafness, and peripheral factors, such as electrode placement,...

Communication in the age of universal masking: speech-to-text apps to the rescue

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has touched nearly every aspect of our lives, including how we interact with patients. At this point, it is almost hard to remember a time when we didn’t have to wear masks during clinical encounters. Though...

Establishing a medical device company: an ENTrepreneur’s experience

In 2004, while I was suturing the mucopericondrial flaps for a septoplasty, I thought to myself, “there must be an easier and faster way of doing this”. Even though I had no formal training in business or medical device development,...

From patient to performer

Peter Cawrey lives in Harpenden, Hertfordshire, with his wife Dorothy. He had a salvage laryngectomy for squamous cell carcinoma in 2015, three years following his initial radiotherapy. Due to complications and a complex recovery, he has elected not to have...

The lateral neck cystic mass – diagnostic dilemma. Can HPV status help?

Solitary cystic masses in the lateral neck can present a significant diagnostic dilemma as they can be metastases from tumours of the oro or nasopharynx. This retrospective paper detailed all patients presenting to a university hospital in Germany, from September...

Alternative listening devices: reaching the places hearing aids don’t

The stigma surrounding hearing aids means that many people who would benefit from wearing them are put off from doing so. Alternative listening devices could provide the solution to this. David Maidment discusses these devices, their effectiveness and the impact...

COVID-19 ENT Useful Resources

Below is a list of useful resources connected to the COVID-19 pandemic. This list will be updated as and when more become available. 1 June - BLA & ENT UK Guidelines (endorsed by RCSLT) : A graduated return to elective...

Young ESPO – looking back and looking ahead

In 2018, after the virtual ESPO Marseille meeting, a new committee of ESPO Juniors was established. Last year, the name was changed to Young ESPO.