You searched for "Wounds"

2333 results found

Hearing Aids for Speech-Language Pathologists: a Guide to Modern Rehabilitative Audiology

This is a book of two parts. The first six chapters are not pitched at speech language pathologists (SLP), at least not for those in typical practice in the UK. This section of the book is appropriate to experienced audiologists...

Fitting and Dispensing Hearing Aids – Third Edition

Fitting and Dispensing Hearing Aids – Third Edition is intended primarily as a course book for “non‑audiologists or undergraduate audiology students who have yet to fit their first pair of hearing aids”. It is aimed primarily at students in the...

Hearing loss in the contralateral ear after mastoid drilling

It is difficult to conceive that most of the noise generated by drilling the mastoid would not be conveyed to the contralateral cochlea, by direct transmission through the skull bone, where the attenuation factor is only 5-10 dB. Only a...

Which cross-over frequency is best for electro-acoustic stimulation?

Advances in technology and improved soft surgical techniques have led to individuals with better hearing thresholds, especially at the low frequencies, becoming candidates for cochlear implants (CI). Surgeons are more confident that residual hearing can be preserved thus making those...

Oesophageal atresia and trachea-oesophageal fistula: a perspective on dysphagia management from Turkey

Children born with oesophageal atresia with or without trachea-oesophageal fistula usually receive early surgical repair to create tension-free anastomosis that facilitates oral feeding. However, many children are at risk of problems related to subsequent dysphagia. This includes respiratory, nutritional, motility...

Patient-reported outcome measures: what do the people say?

Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) assess and quantify health outcomes from the patient’s perspective. Defining these questionnaires as outcomes indicates that they are psychometrically sensitive to change. This article describes three PROMS: namely the Patient Reported Outcome Measurement Information System (PROMIS),...

Are quinsies worth draining?

Recent data is providing accumulating evidence that treatment failure in the management of peritonsillar abscesses (PTAs, aka ‘quinsies’) is similar when these are managed with medical treatment (MT) alone versus MT plus surgical drainage (M+ST). However, in the absence of...

Non-autologous graft material in paediatric tympanoplasty – is it as good as temporalis fascia and is it cost-effective?

This retrospective case review looks at the experience of a single unit using a variety of autologous (temporalis fascia, n=292) and non-autologous graft material, n=241 (alloderm (human dermis), biodesign (porcine submucosa, $170-$255) and tutoplast (human pericardium, $350). The average patient...

Long-term effectiveness of sleep surgery for obstructive sleep apnoea

n this study, 39 patients from Turkey with obstructive sleep apnoea (of varying severity) underwent an expansion sphincter pharyngoplasty. This operation was devised by Prof Kenny Pang in Singapore and involves using the palatopharyngeus muscle and partly relocating it laterally...

Impact of delaying otologic surgery

In this Belgian study, the authors looked at the impact of delaying otologic surgery by sending an online survey to 44 adult patients diagnosed with benign ear pathology whose surgery was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The questionnaire was...

Coblation for laryngeal granulomas

Laryngeal granulomas remain notorious for their tendency to recur after surgical removal. Although high rates of complete remission have been reported with use of the potassium-titanyl-phosphate (KTP) laser, this equipment is expensive and not available in all units performing ENT...

Pharmacological treatment of glue ear in children

Otitis media with effusion (OME), also known as glue ear, is a common cause of hearing loss in children. Most cases resolve spontaneously within three months. Early and proper management of OME can help avoid hearing and speech impairment that...