You searched for "prevention"

2435 results found

Predictors of postoperative improvement after endoscopic sinus surgery in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis

Improvement after endoscopic sinus surgery in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis varies considerably. If elaborate preoperative and intraoperative data could be used to predict the postoperative course, management and length of the follow-up could be adjusted to provide optimal care. Two...

Do ENT surgical patients need VTE prophylaxis?

In the UK, current NICE guidance for venous thromboembolism (VTE) prevention does not give specific advice about patients undergoing otolaryngology/head and neck surgery (OHNS). This systematic review provides up-to-date information based on available, although limited, evidence about the incidence of...

Empty Nose Syndrome: Evidence Based Proposals for Inferior Turbinate Management

To cut or not to cut, that is the question… The authors of Empty Nose Syndrome emphatically implore the reader to spare the inferior turbinate, lest they cause patients this undue misery! This book is a thought-provoking journey through the...

Person-centred care, enhancing audiology student understanding across the globe

Over 200 students registered for a multinational virtual event facilitated by the Ida Institute. The aim was to determine levels of student understanding and approaches to person-centred care (PCC), alongside the opportunity to evaluate the benefits of this approach to...

The effect of cocaine or adrenaline dressing during endoscopic sinus surgery

A randomised controlled study of 37 patients took place that underwent endoscopic sinus surgery for chronic rhinosinusitis and received adrenaline or cocaine-soaked patties. The study showed no difference in the mean surgical field scores between adrenaline and cocaine sides. Adequate...

Attitudes towards leisure noise

Noise is a very common reason for hearing loss. The question is whether young adults realise the danger of developing a noise related hearing loss. The aim of this study was to evaluate the attitude towards leisure noise and noise...

All present and correct

You have ear protection, but are you using it properly? What are the risks over time? The design of standard earplugs has changed a lot in a decade. Earplug attenuation did reduce over time but still remained safe, however the...

An inherited platelet disorder in a post- tonsillectomy haemorrhage

Unexplained bleeding after any surgery is least desirable and to identify a cause for this preoperatively can be a very useful safeguarding measure. By looking for inherited platelet disorders in patients who bled after tonsillectomy, the authors of this publication...

Adult hearing screening: consideration for a holistic model

Background Adult-onset hearing impairment is a highly prevalent and undertreated chronic problem that poses a significant burden of disease worldwide [1]. It is usually gradual and diagnosed and managed approximately 10 years after adults have first experienced hearing difficulties [2]....

Is the lack of sunshine the reason behind allergic rhinitis?

Deficiency in Vitamin D, an in vogue immunomodulator, has been shown in emerging data to have a substantial pathogenetic role in allergic related diseases, particularly asthma. The concept of a shared upper and lower airway has allowed the natural extrapolation...

Could OtoRecall transform ENT learning?

Training continues to change and evolve in the face of changing working practices and, of course, the impact of unprecedented events like the pandemic. The basics remain important for safe practice as training and work continue to evolve; innovative tools...

In conversation with Jane Lea: the journey from athlete to surgeon

Dr Jane Lea is a clinical professor and fellowship director of otology and neurotology at the University of British Columbia. Prior to becoming a doctor, Jane was a semi-professional footballer and represented Canada. As a result of three knee operations,...