The Hearing Healthcare Alliance empowers professionals across Africa and Asia through comprehensive training programmes, improving local hearing rehabilitation services. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 430 million people worldwide require rehabilitation for disabling hearing loss [1]. This number...
The authors, part of an influential committee of experts of the Bárány Society, proposed this consensus document after reviewing 30 years of research on phobic postural vertigo, space-motion discomfort, visual vertigo, and chronic subjective dizziness. They also reviewed interesting historical...
“The National Health Service is in serious trouble.” This is the opening line of the introduction of Lord Darzi’s report to the Secretary of State for Health in England. His deep dive into the current state of the NHS in...
This is a meta-analysis completed by a maxillofacial unit on the South Coast of England. Nine studies from an initial literature review of 102 were included in the analysis. Cycling has been reported as the cause of 3-20% of facial...
This is a meta-analysis of maxillofacial injuries arising from riding a bicycle. The incidence of maxillofacial fractures in cycling accidents varies from 3-20% and, whilst the effectiveness of helmets in preventing traumatic brain injuries is well known, their protective effect...
It has long been recognised that timely recognition of congenital hearing loss allows for the morbidity of hearing loss to be minimised. Due to the difficulties with identifying hearing loss in babies, combined with readily available screening technologies, many countries...
Research has shown that many traumatic brain injuries are sustained before the age of 25. This article aims to examine the need for speech and language support for students with traumatic brain injury (TBI) beyond the issues a student may...
VS management can be surgical, by radiosurgery or watchful waiting. Middle fossa approach (MCF) can be implemented in small and some medium-size tumours, and has the potential to preserve hearing. The authors measured quality of life of VS patients who...
The loss of sound input from one ear has a significant impact on our perception of our acoustic environment. This impact is compounded in adverse listening conditions. Rachel Knappett’s article explores the audiological impact of this hearing loss and the...
David Pothier passed away on July 27, 2018 in the early hours of the morning following a struggle with recurrent brain cancer. His passing extinguished a brilliant light, the likes of which few of us will witness in our lifetime....
The Ida Institute are a renowned organisation that develops tools, materials and resources to help hearing care professionals integrate person-centred care into clinical practice. Lise Lotte Bundesen has been at the helm of this organisation since its inception; in this...