You searched for "surgeons"

2078 results found

How well are we managing epistaxis cases?

Epistaxis constitutes 34.5% of all emergency admissions to otolaryngology departments nation-wide. Presently there are no detailed consensus guidelines for this commonest emergency, and there is tremendous variation of practice. Quite often, non-ENT trained doctors manage this emergency. This paper reviews...

Describing the most useful OSA assessment?

This article sets out to comprehensibly describe drug induced sleep endoscopy and its role in determining the level of obstruction in patients with OSA. The advantages described include the fact that other techniques, including Muller’s manoeuvre, have significant variation in...

CT chest surveillance for oral cancer patients

Computed tomography (CT) imaging of the chest is performed as part of the assessment of patients with oral cancer to exclude pulmonary metastasis or synchronous cancer. This process is integral to staging of the disease. In some cases, non-specific pulmonary...

A novel use for coblation in the nose

Having recently become a coblation convert for multiple applications in ENT (including tonsillectomy, inferior turbinate reduction and radiofrequency ablation of the tongue base), it was interesting to read about another novel use in the nose. This preliminary report evaluates the...

All about velopharyngeal dysfunction

The velopharynx functionally separates the oral from the nasal cavities. Inadequate or abnormal function of this muscular valve affects speech and swallow. Velopharyngeal dysfunction can be subdivided into insufficiency, incompetence and mislearning. This is a review paper and indeed a...

Submental island flap to reconstruct the lower lip

The lips are necessary for oral competence, cosmesis, speech and feeding. Non-melanoma cancers can affect the lips, and the lower lips are about 80% more likely to be affected. A large number of these cancers are squamous cell carcinomas. Treatment...

Why do septoplasties fail?

If you are amongst the ones who wonder what keeps your patient blocked in spite of a reasonable septoplasty, it will be worth your time going through the chapter on nasal valve management. The concise table detailing the surgical techniques...

Preserving hearing in NF2 patients

Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) is known to result in bilateral hearing loss, even when there is no significant tumour growth. The cause is postulated to be multifactorial: stretching and compression of the cochlear nerve by the tumour, impairment of labyrinthine...

Management of the ear in cleft lip and palate

The management of patients with cleft lip and palate includes a focus on effective speech and language function. Poor eustachian tube function and middle ear dysfunction mean over 90% of children suffer from otitis media with effusion. This article provides...

Trends in the incidence of oropharyngeal cancer

The recent rise in HPV-related oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma is well described. There has been a significant shift from tobacco-driven to virus-driven cancers at this anatomical site. This retrospective study analysed US tumour registry data over a long period (1973–2009)...

Surgical variations in maxillomandibular surgery treating sleep apnoea

This is a scoping review further highlighting the success in curing sleep apnoea with a maxillomandibular complex advancement. The variations outlined are on East and Southeast Asian patients to reduce the aesthetic concern of bi-maxillary protrusion when large advancements are...

Transverse venous sinus stenosis – a risk factor for CSF leak in patients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension

This was a multicentre (six French tertiary hospitals) retrospective case-controlled study aiming to investigate the rate of transverse venous sinus stenosis (TVSS) in patients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) with nasal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks. They compared the preoperative MRI...