You searched for "flaps"

1763 results found

The TWJ Foundation internationally

The TWJ Foundation offers annual overseas major clinical fellowships in otology, neurotology and lateral skull-base surgery.

Medicine and Seamus Heaney

Seamus Heaney grew up in the 1940s. Infectious diseases – diphtheria, poliomyelitis, mumps, measles and rubella – were rife. Stepping Stones recalled talk among older neighbours of ‘a-waiting on’ when they were close to death. Aunts and uncles succumbed to...

Globe Trotting and 62 years of ENT

Vasant Oswal was, for many years, ‘Mister ENT’ in the Northeast of England. Appointed as a consultant to the old North Riding Infirmary in 1970, he led what was a small and little-known department through a period of tumultuous change...

Hi There Solutions

The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced a multitude of lifestyle challenges, and communication has been no exception to this. Not only have plexiglass barriers and masks impeded the way we verbally interact, but the transition to more frequent virtual communication has...

Funding your otolaryngology / audiology idea by partnering with 
the US Department of Defense

The United States Department of Defense (DoD) has been an effective partner in many of our current medical technology advancements, from the surgical robot, to improved clotting wound dressings, to better blood products. For the otolaryngology and audiology entrepreneur looking...

In search of courage; transition 
into Army

In search of courage. Well, that is how it all started. I was fairly advanced in surgical training not to mention age, when I decided to join the Territorial Army (TA). My peers, on hearing this couldn’t decide whether I...

Training in the use of medical devices
– how should it be done?

Adequate training in novel medical devices is imperative, not only to ensure patient safety, but also to give clinicians the confidence to use the device in question. In this article, Andrea Gillies explains the philosophy of one of the equipment...

Lessons learned from running a national thyroid surgery registry

The UK Registry of Endocrine and Thyroid Surgery is now yielding the rewards of meticulous data collection and years of hard work. David Scott-Coombes discusses the advantages and the unintended consequences of their success. The British Association of Endocrine and...

What’s new about the 5th Congress of the CEORL-HNS?

The CEORL-HNS congress will feature novel ideas for sessions, including debates, ‘basic ENT’ and ‘nightmare’ sessions! The two leading figures of the meeting tell us about the evolution of the congress and future directions. There is something new about the...

How will our grandchildren view COVID-19?

Alan Johnson, known to our readers as the former President of ENT UK, gives us his thoughts on the COVID pandemic, looking at it through the lens of other health crises. As I write, COVID-19 is displacing almost all other...

Anxiety and acronyms – musings of an otolaryngologist

Personal protective equipment (PPE) has been a focus of attention and concern for healthcare workers around the globe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Neil Tolley discusses some of the issues. I write this article in mid-May when, were it not for...

Bettear: one start-up’s journey to bridging a technological gap in pursuit of auditory accessibility

Imagine your disappointment if you have been looking forward to seeing your favourite grunge band play live at the Dog and Duck for weeks. Your family is bored of you constantly playing their greatest hits. But when you turn up...