You searched for "surgeons"

2066 results found

KARL STORZ Gains Approval for Solo+™ Revolutionary Ear Tube Placement Device

Chronic ear infections are a leading reason for doctor visits and surgical procedures such as placement of ear tubes in young children.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty

Some patients would like to alter the appearance of their nose without surgery or make further subtle changes after a rhinoplasty. Lydia Badia explains how this can be done, thanks to the advent of injectable fillers. This medical procedure in...

Malignant lesions and reconstruction of the pinna

External ear reconstruction can be challenging. Baskaran Ranganathan and Amr Abdelhamid describe how careful assessment, planning and surgery following the subunit principles and reconstructive ladder will ultimately lead to good aesthetic outcomes with restored form and function. The external ear,...

Rhinology and Allergy: Clinical Reference Guide

This pocket-sized book aims to provide a clinical reference guide through a series of review chapters. The editors, Brent A Senior and Yvonne Chan, have produced a comprehensive text through the work of predominantly North American and Canadian co-authors of...

Treatment of internal carotid artery blowout with embolisation and bypass grafting (nasopharyngeal carcinoma)

Carotid artery blowout syndrome (CBS) occurs when there is rupture of the carotid artery causing massive epistaxis and bleeding through the oral cavity caused by tumour invasion, surgery, radiotherapy, or infection. This article proposes a revascularisation strategy for internal carotid...

Superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome

In this article, Hannah North and Simon Lloyd give us an overview of the complex condition of superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SSCD) syndrome, including diagnosis, treatment and management. Superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SSCD) is a bony defect of the otic...

Predicting CSF leaks pre FESS: Gera classification - a new tool?

An interesting study from Italy looking at an anterior skull base classification that may be useful in predicting risk of intraoperative CSF leak during FESS surgery. Traditionally we have used the Keros classification system, developed in 1962 to categorise olfactory...

Prognostic value of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancer

The authors propose that high neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) is associated with poor disease-free survival (DFS) in patients with human papillomavirus positive (HPV+) oropharyngeal cancer (OPC). This is a retrospective study that compared the outcomes of 43 patients treated for HPV+...

Soluvos Medical wishes everyone a great year end!

This year has gone so quickly - just a few meetings left and 2024 will be here!

Drug eluting stent vs INCS for CRS

A prospective, randomised study from Finland to compare a drug eluting stent (DES) and intranasal corticosteroids (INCS) in 63 patients as assessed by SNOT-22, VAS, endoscopy, CT and rhinometry pre-treatment, at three and six months post treatment. Recruitment was over...

IV dexamethasone versus LA infiltration during paediatric tonsillectomy

Postoperative nausea and vomiting following tonsillectomy is important to control for improved oral intake and satisfaction following surgery. Optimal management is still debated. This team from Beirut conducted a randomised double blind clinical trial comparing the effect of intravenous dexamethasone...

Managing CRS in pregnancy

An International team of experts from both sides of the Atlantic set out to perform a systematic review of the management of chronic rhinosinusitis in pregnancy. Despite a thorough search no scientific evidence was found that could form the basis...