You searched for "sound"

3067 results found

Transoral endoscopic thyroidectomy / parathyroidectomy – a new approach

Historically, scarless surgery has been popular in certain cultures. But is it gaining traction around the world? A UK team tell us more. Background Alternative, remote access approaches to thyroidectomy and parathyroidectomy are increasing in popularity, the newest of these...

IFOS activities

International collaboration is more important than ever, and we hear from Prof Milan Profant about a collaboration that grew out of the very successful IFOS meeting in Paris in 2017. IFOS has developed a new philosophy regarding how to organise...

Cochlear Implants: Principles & Practices

Cochlear implants: Principles & Practices describes the scientific foundations and the practices that underlie cochlear implants. This second edition has an expanded list of contributors and addresses the broad range of related topics that impact the field. The book addresses...

What can we tell about swallow physiology from a bedside clinical assessment?

Knowledge about swallowing physiology has greatly increased with the use of instrumental assessments such as videofluoroscopy (VFS). The authors of this paper performed an analysis of data obtained from 60 stroke patients who were assessed via a clinical swallow examination...

Psychoacoustics: Auditory Perception of Listeners with Normal Hearing and Hearing Loss - Second Edition

Dr Lentz’s Psychoacoustics: Auditory Perception of Listeners with Normal Hearing and Hearing Loss, Second Edition is a 287-page introduction to the eponymous field that fills some (like myself) with great interest, though I have recognised the soporific effect of even...

Clinical Management of Swallowing Disorders, Third Edition

This is a comprehensive and readable text on swallowing disorders. The covered topics include the physiology of normal swallowing, aetiologies and mechanisms of abnormal swallowing, as well as assessment and management (including surgical, prosthetic and non-surgical). There is a detailed...

Cummings Review of Otolaryngology - 2nd Edition

Cummings Review of Otolaryngology presents a condensed and targeted version of the renowned Cummings Otolaryngology, specifically tailored for exam revision. Authored by leading American experts, it is tailor-made for both board examinations and clinical practice. Its relevance extends globally, serving...

History of innovation in ENT

Innovation seems to have been in the strapline of every meeting, conference and course for the last few years. You would be forgiven for thinking it is a new a concept, but as Neil Weir beautifully details, innovation has been...

The emergence of in-office ventilation tubes for the treatment of otitis media in children

In-office tympanostomy tube systems offer a quicker, anaesthesia-free alternative to traditional surgery for children, with promising outcomes and reduced costs. Tympanostomy tube or grommet insertion is the most common surgery performed on children worldwide. Whilst a relatively short and straightforward...

Writers wanted

ENT & Audiology News is always keen to hear from delegates who would like to report on conferences and events for the popular International Newsround section.

Clinical Otology, Fourth Edition

Seven years after publication of the third edition, this latest edition of Clinical Otology brings the reader right up to date with developments within this constantly evolving field. Maintaining the same format as the previous edition, it concentrates on four...

Partial reconstruction of the pinna

Reconstruction of the pinna is one of the most challenging procedures in facial plastic surgery. Although there has been significant progress since one of the earliest recorded descriptions by Sushruta in 600 BC, the complex three-dimensional structure of the pinna...