You searched for "vaccination"

2071 results found

Do you feel me? Emotional processing post-traumatic brain injury

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) accounted for just under three million accident and emergency admissions in the US in 2013, with common causes including falls, traffic accidents and assaults. Difficulties processing and expressing affective communication is a common sequela of TBI...

Justice for all: role of registered intermediaries

The United Nations’ Agenda for Sustainable Development 2015 advocates equal access to justice for all. In recognition of this, a number of countries have introduced a new professional role; a registered intermediary in England, Wales and NI. The registered intermediary...

How do we manage immune deficiency-related ENT disorders

It is not unusual to come across patients with recurrent sinonasal infections, lung infections and recurrent ear infections needing regular antibiotics in the outpatient setting. Physicians need to have a high index of suspicion that patients may have immune deficiency...

The case of the women and the words: intensive therapy can help many years post stroke

Aphasia, a language impairment impacting on a person’s ability to speak, understand, read and write, is most commonly caused by a stroke. Speech and language therapists are trained to work with people with aphasia, often aiming for restitution and rehabilitation...

Multisystem pathology in refractory otitis media with effusion

Recurrent middle ear effusion is a common problem and so is rhinosinusitis with polyposis. It is not often thought that the problem could be linked to multisystem pathology, such as eosinophilic granulomatous with polyposis. Therefore, repeated grommet insertions and surgical...

PACT or Partners of Aphasic Clients Conversation Training

There is an increasing recognition that families and caregivers of patients require special training to manage their wards. PACT or Partners of aphasic patients Conversation Training is an initiative which aims to improve awareness of methods of communicating with aphasic...

Predictors of complications in patients undergoing oral cavity cancer surgery

Surgical management of oral cavity cancers is complex, frequently involving extensive resections and complicated reconstructions. Quantification of risk in an individual patient may allow surgeons to more effectively identify patients at higher risk of complications and develop strategies for prevention,...

Outcome measures for hearing loss

This short editorial explores some possible options in measurement of quality of care in audiology. We traditionally tend to use clinician-related outcomes in place of patient-reported outcome measures and so we could miss a wealth of data on the impact...

Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery: Rapid Clinical and Board Review

This is a book written by a group of ENT surgeons from the Mayo Clinic, and a plastic surgeon from Colorado, and is aimed at US residents throughout their training, in particular in preparation for their board exams. As such,...

Manual of Allergy and Clinical Immunology for Otolaryngologists

As a first approach, the book impresses with the hardback cover and the glossy 442 pages. Published in March 2015, the book reflects an effort to deliver the main advances and updates of allergy and clinical immunology relevant to otolaryngology...

The Power of the Voice

An initial glance at the table of contents and layout of Jean Abitbol’s book, The Power of the Voice, might lead one to assume that it is heavy on style but light on substance. A closer reading proves this to...

Stroboscopy and High-Speed Imaging of the Vocal Function – Second Edition

When I was asked to review this book, I was really looking forward to receiving it and eagerly awaited the postman on a daily basis until it arrived. Needless to say, it did not disappoint. The author, Peak Woo, is...