You searched for "consulting"

1870 results found

Difficult consultations with HPV-positive oropharnyeal cancer patients

The aetiological role of human papillomavirus (HPV) in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) is well established, and its incidence has massively increased over the last decade, whilst the incidence of HPV-negative OPSCC is declining. Although we know that HPV-positive OPSCC...

Person-centric practice within a hearing wellbeing programme

This Australian team describe their development process of a hearing wellbeing programme beginning in August 2020, with a wide variety of stakeholders being involved. Primarily, they report, they aimed to overcome the challenge of providing engaging social and emotional support...

Focus on ENT trainees with additional qualifications

In this Trainee Matters, we focus on ENT trainees with additional qualifications. Eight accomplished trainees tell Emma Stapleton how their achievements have benefitted them both professionally and personally. Their professional achievements have included a National Training Number in ENT, presentations,...

Measuring audiological outcomes in the paediatric setting

In this article Marlene Bagatto argues that a range of outcome measures and instruments need to be implemented when working with children and families. She demonstartes how these support both clinicians and families. The primary goal of early hearing detection...

A new hearing health scheme for musicians

Joe Hastings, Health & Welfare Manager for Help Musicians UK, discusses the results of the charity’s 2015 survey of musicians’ hearing and plans for a new scheme which will give all professional musicians in the UK affordable access to specialist...

Listening differences in autistic individuals

In this article Erin Schafer, Lauren Mathews and Andrea Dunn outline the common auditory issues that autistic individuals face in comparison with their neurotypical peers and highlight the need to move beyond the traditional audiologic test battery when working with...

What you need to know about recent advances in genetics of hearing loss in the newborn

Identifying the underlying genetic cause of hearing loss in newborns can improve dramatically the early diagnosis and appropriate intervention. Hearing loss is the most common sensory disorder at birth, affecting approximately two out of 1000 newborns [1]. Congenital impaired hearing...

Genetic discovery using animal models: presbyacusis

By their very nature, late-onset hereditary disorders offer a large window of opportunity for therapeutic intervention. However, before we can begin to think about strategies we need knowledge of the genetics and pathology underlying the condition. In this article we...

Audiology in this issue...Multidisciplinary Teams

Marsha Jenkins, BSc Hons, MSc, Principal Clinical Scientist (Audiology), St Thomas’ Paediatric Hearing Implant Centre, Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust E: Twitter: @GSTTnhs I am delighted to guest edit this collaboration of various clinical MDTs from...

Audiology In This Issue - Identity

Guest Section Editors Crystal Rolfe, BSc, MSc, Associate Director of Strategy - Health, RNID, UK. Teri Devine,Associate Director of Strategy - Inclusion and Employment, RNID, UK. What is deaf identity? There are many variables that impact on deaf identity, such...

Platinum-based chemotherapy, tinnitus and hearing loss

Fortunately, the five-year survival rate of adult cancers is increasing. However, we are seeing for the first time the lasting effects of cancer treatments on people. As more people live with the long-term effects of treatment, such as chemotherapy, it is imperative to understand the impact it has on quality of life.

Global Ambassadors Highlights of the Year

Audiology, Indian Subcontinent, Krishna Yerraguntla Over 466-million people live with disabling hearing loss and global costs of unaddressed hearing loss is 750-billion international dollars. Thus, to alleviate the impact of hearing loss on lives of people, The World Hearing Day...