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1673 results found

Chronic phase of concussion and stability of gaze

It has been known that vestibular symptoms can persist for several months after concussion. The authors designed this study to assess the effect of chronic concussion (more than one year) on gaze stability and the relationship between deficits in gaze...

A new hope for post-COVID olfactory loss?

Does anyone remember COVID? It seems that what happened between 2019 and 2021 is all but forgotten about. Aside from it cropping up on news feeds occasionally and a few out-of-date automated phone messages that start off with ‘During the...

Which bit of our brains do we need to recognise fear, disgust and happiness?

Recognising other people’s emotions is a useful life skill for human interaction in both social and vocational situations. Yet there remains significant debate about which areas of the brain are required to enable us to read and understand these facial...

3rd Alder Hey Paediatric Vestibular Course

Alder Hey Children’s Hospital Paediatric Audiovestibular Department presents 3rdAlder Hey Paediatric Vestibular Course. The vestibular system in children is an important system significantly involved in the development of balance, muscle tone, posture, spatial and cognitive orientation and overall development. We...

From the editor...MayJun19

Declan Costello, MA, MBBS, FRCS(ORL-HNS),Editor, ENT & Audiology News;Consultant Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon, Wexham Park Hospital, Slough, Berkshire, UK. E: Welcome There are few people in the specialty of ENT whose names become truly global, but Heinz Stammberger,...

ENT in this issue...Global Ear and Hearing

GUEST SECTION EDITORS Prof Mahmood F Bhutta, DPhil FRCS (ORL-HNS), Consultant and Honorary Professor in ENT Surgery, University Hospitals Sussex and Brighton & Sussex Medical School, UK. E: Prof Jackie L Clark, MS, PhD, Clinical Professor, Behavioral & Brain...

In conversation with Prof Nirmal Kumar, President of ENT UK: Winners of The Association Excellence Award

At ENT & Audiology News we were delighted to hear that ENT UK have won an award for Best Membership Support during COVID-19. We sent Emma Stapleton to chat with Professor Nirmal Kumar, ENT UK President. Congratulations to ENT UK...

Did you ever meet Draffin on your travels?

Draffin’s rods or bipods are a well-known ENT instrument. Before their invention in 1951, the attendant anaesthetist or nurse was obliged to support the mouthgag during tonsillectomy. Their originator, David Alexander Draffin (born in 1917 in Ballybey, Co Monaghan), was...

David Baguley’s legacy

You will have read the beautiful obituaries to our friend, colleague and mentor, the Reverend Professor David ‘Dave’ Baguley, who died 11 June 2022. We have taken the audiology section of this edition to pick up and celebrate some of Dave’s professional interests and passions over his audiology career.

Take Early Action to Prevent or Address Hearing Loss

The annual spotlight on hearing loss by the World Health Organization (WHO) delivers poignant messages to both policy makers and the public in order to stress just how widespread and life-changing hearing loss is.

Getting It Right First Time in ENT

Andrew Marshall, a Consultant ENT Surgeon at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, visited 126 departments across England before publishing his recent ENT surgery national report for the Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) programme. Here, he explains how identifying unwarranted...

Sound sensitivity in children

Sound tolerance symptoms in young patients can be a challenge, Veronica Kennedy and Claire Benton share their clinical experience in navigating the issues that can arise in diagnosis and management. In any noisy environment, it’s a common sight to see...