You searched for "glue"

142 results found

Pre-clinical development of magnetic delivery of therapy to middle and inner ears

Why are we developing this technology? A key problem in drug delivery is getting the therapy to the right place in the body, which is especially challenging for targets that are small, deep and are protected or surrounded by anatomical...

Staying safe during endoscopic ear surgery

There is growing interest in using rigid endoscopes rather than traditional operative microscopes to perform transcanal middle ear surgery. Rigid endoscopy provides a high resolution, wide-angle view of the tympanic cavity through minimally invasive surgical portals. In this article, Elliott...

KTP laser in the office

KTP laser surgery offers a new way of selectively targeting microvasculature within laryngeal lesions and leaving normal surrounding tissues like epithelium and lamina propria intact – and thus preserving physiological phonation. This kind of selective photoangiolysis can be performed in...

What is Transnasal Humidified Rapid-Insufflation Ventilatory Exchange (THRIVE)?

THRIVE is a physiological mechanism for oxygenating and ventilating patients who are under general anaesthesia and who have diminished or absent respiratory effort [1]. Classical ventilation requires bulk flow of gases into and out of the lungs driven by chest...

In conversation with Liam M Flood: Middlesbrough (M for Michael? ...nope, Martin!)

Liam Flood. With a name such as Liam you must have some ‘Irish blood’? Where does your family come from? Tell us more? (What did your old man / mum do?) Some Irish blood? Those who know me well would...

In conversation with Professor Paul J Donald

Prof Paul J Donald has recently stepped down as Chairman of the ORL-HN Department at UC Davis in Sacramento and is winding down to retirement. In this interview with Prof Pat Bradley, Prof Donald explains some of the highlights of...

In conversation with Ray Clarke: Scott-Brown – The Editors’ view…

Ray Clarke. How did you get involved in the forthcoming Scott-Brown ? How does one become editor of a textbook? Editors are approached and appointed by the publishers, but of course publishers will take advice and soundings from within the...

In conversation with Professor Charles Liberman

Just before I left Cambridge to work with the Hearing Sciences group in Nottingham, I spent a very happy hour alone in the company of Professor Charles Liberman, the Director of the Eaton-Peabody Laboratories based at the Massachusetts Eye and...

In Memory: An Interview with Professor Leslie Michaels

The Memorial Service for Professor Leslie Michaels takes place next week (mid-April 2019). Professor Michaels was the former Professor of Pathology at the Institute of Laryngology and Otology at UCL and The RNTN&E Hospital. His inspirational achievements are worthy of...

Redeployment of audiologists during COVID-19

As the demand on intensive therapy units in the NHS increased, volunteers from the audiology profession stepped in to support colleagues. Here, they share their experiences of caring on the frontline. Redefining normal: from outpatients to the ICU By Emilee...