You searched for "consulting"

1887 results found

Patron saints of the ear

We all know that ear symptoms include hearing loss, vertigo, tinnitus and otalgia, but did you know there are patron saints for all these symptoms? John Riddington Young shares an overview of the patron saints of the ear, inspired by...

Diagnosis and Treatment of Voice Disorders – Fourth Edition

This is one of a very few large comprehensive laryngology texts, now in its fourth edition. The editors and the various authors of the chapters are specialists with international reputations in their respective fields. In this edition, the text has...

Time and Life Management for Medical Students and Residents

Time and life management is not normally a skill we are taught growing up. As we grow from being a child to an adult, it is inevitable that we become independent managers of our time and schedule. Most who end...

Hearing Science Fundamentals – Second Edition

The second edition of Hearing Science Fundamentals is a simply and clearly written introductory text, ideal for students beginning their training. It covers topics ranging from anatomy and physiology to auditory perception. This edition includes nine new chapters in addition...

Ethanol ablation for benign cystic neck lesions

Benign cystic head and neck lesions have traditionally been managed conservatively or with surgical excision. Ethanol ablation (EA) has now established a role in the management of benign thyroid cysts, and its use has also been expanded to non-thyroid cysts....

Don’t be too apologetic: disclosing communication difficulties

People who stutter are frequently considered less intelligent or less confident, and are often discriminated against. These negative perceptions have been found to differ slightly across different cultural groups. For Hebrew speakers in Israel, having a stutter can have a...

Reasons for attending annual hearing aid review appointments

The aim of this study was to investigate what factors influence hearing aid users’ decision to attend or not attend an annual hearing aid review (HAR) appointment. Two separate surveys were created for attendees and non-attendees. An invitation letter was...

More than words: looking at all the evidence

Evidence based practice (EBP) is a three-pillared approach whereby information on the research evidence, factors relating to the patient and clinical experience are all considered to inform a care decision. Unfortunately, there is frequently very little research evidence to inform...

Follow-up of NF2 patients with ABRs, SDS and MRI

Hearing loss is one of the earliest manifestations in vestibular schwannomas with 60% of the patients having high frequency loss. Several metabolic and mechanical factors influencing the cochlea and cochlear nerve have been implicated in the hearing decline noted in...

Should we do septoplasty in young adults/adolescents?

Nasal obstruction is a common complaint in both children and adults in the outpatient department. Causes for obstruction include allergic rhinitis, septal deviation, turbinate hypertrophy and chronic sinusitis with or without nasal polyps. For symptomatic patients with moderate to severe...

Dr. Gyl’s Guide to a Successful Hearing Care Practice

This book covers a much-needed area in audiology to help support independent/small businesses set up their own clinics. The book covers a range of topics and talks through the rationale behind decisions vital in business. The author states that a...

A novel way to reduce postoperative nausea and vomiting

This is an interesting RCT which evaluates the prophylactic effect of bilateral endoscopic injection of local anaesthetic in the sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG) on postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV). It has a robust design, and is sufficiently powered and blinded, with...