You searched for "consulting"

1870 results found

Making healthcare conferences green

Who knew our healthcare conference industry contributed so much to global carbon emissions? This article summarises means to reduce the impact such that we can continue to meet with our peers for educational meetings and networking, but in a sustainable...

Recent changes in vestibular science and assessment

Clinical assessment of the dizzy or imbalanced patient is all about the patient’s history. History, history, history. But what about puzzling cases when we feel we need more information? Sally Rosengren gives us a rundown of the vestibular tests which...

The Veterans Hearing Fund

Dawn Bramham introduces us to the newly launched Veterans Hearing Fund (VHF). This organisation aims to improve the lives of military personnel with hearing loss by providing access to technologies, services and bespoke rehabilitation that are not routinely available via...

AI reshaping the landscape of head and neck cancer

With artificial intelligence set to transform almost every aspect of life, Abishek Mahajan reviews its potential to improve head and neck cancer care. Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative tool in healthcare. In the realm of oncology, AI...

Professional voice: the science and art of clinical care – Fourth Edition

The field of laryngology has vastly expanded over the last 30 years and this latest edition illustrates its continuing evolution. This three-volume edition has been updated and expanded with the addition of 20 new chapters, including paediatric voice disorders and...

Romet Electronic Larynx

Romet Electronic Larynx is the oldest family-owned and operated supplier of Electronic Larynx devices in the world.

Outcome of TORS to tongue base and epiglottis in patients with OSA intolerant of conventional treatment

The use of transoral robotic surgery (TORS) in ENT is rather controversial, but the use of robotic surgery for obstructive sleep apneoa (OSA), makes it doubly so. Previous studies on TORS in OSA have been performed with other types of...

#BecauseIhearIlive – an international message from Smiling Crocodile

There are 34 million children worldwide afflicted by disabling hearing loss, 60% of whom are suffering from hearing loss due to preventable causes [1]. This article is an account of the Smiling Crocodile Charity, founded in 2009 by Dagmar Herrmannová,...

The art and science of acoustic ecology

Aki Pasoulas summarises the diverse forms and approaches of the relatively new and expanding area of acoustic ecology, a discipline that studies the relationship between living beings and their sonic environment. Sound Ecology emerged in the late 1960s through the...

Why is a Raven like a writing desk? Some reflections on countertenors and castrati

The countertenor voice has seen a resurgence in popularity in the last 50 years. Nicholas Clapton is one of the foremost performers and teachers of his generation, and he tells us here about the link between countertenors and the (fortunately...

Endoscopic stapes surgery - pearls and pitfalls

Endoscopic ear surgery has gained popularity in recent years with wide panoramic visualisation of the operative field one of its key strengths. This article summarises the approach, set-up and outcomes of patients undergoing endoscopic stapes surgery. A key step during...

Patron saints of the ear

We all know that ear symptoms include hearing loss, vertigo, tinnitus and otalgia, but did you know there are patron saints for all these symptoms? John Riddington Young shares an overview of the patron saints of the ear, inspired by...