You searched for "population"

2112 results found

Should we routinely perform steroid injections following microlaryngeal excision of benign lesions?

This retrospective cohort study assessed a single surgeon’s outcomes before and after the routine administration of intralesional triamcinolone following microsurgical removal of benign vocal fold lesions (polyps, nodules and cysts). A total of 211 patients were recruited for the study....

Long-term results of injection laryngoplasty with polydimethylsiloxane (Vox) for unilateral vocal fold paralysis

Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is widely used for vocal cord injections to treat patients with a vocal cord palsy. It is commercially available as the Vox implant system. Alternative compounds that can be employed include hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse Voice)....

Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing

This American book is written for students “in the field of communication sciences and disorders”, however, this is a very useful text for anyone wanting to understand the underpinning science behind speech, swallowing and hearing and balance. The book is...

Surgical voice restoration after laryngopharyngectomy

Voice restoration is one of the key rehabilitative steps after laryngectomy or total laryngopharyngectomy (TLP). Patients who undergo TLP require reconstruction – increasingly commonly with microvascular free flaps. Despite their advantages in terms of fistula rates and swallowing outcomes, these...

Better Hearing with Cochlear Implants

This soft cover book of 453 pages describes in detail the work undertaken at the Research Triangle Institute (RTI) in North Carolina which has led to many of the designs and theories of speech processing in cochlear implantation. It is...

Contralateral OAEs in children

Several studies indicate that small changes in the medial olivocochlear (MOC) reflex may possibly be associated with certain pathologies. This could be measured by using contralateral acoustic stimulation (CAS) and observing suppression in otoacoustic emissions (OEAs). The main aim of...

Avoiding the sweaty cheek

Frey’s syndrome is a common (10-40%) and important complication following parotid surgery. Gustatory sweating during oral stimulation can be embarrassing as it is accompanied by flushing and a sensation of heat. This is as a direct result of regenerated parasympathetic...

Be mindful of exposure

This is a topic which has been highlighted before in the Hearing Research series, as the evidence base regarding the specific impact of acoustic trauma on the auditory system has been expanding regularly in the last few years. This particular...

Indication and timing of electrodiagnostic tests in facial palsy

This excellent review describes the benefits and limitations of electrodiagnostic testing for patients with facial paralysis. Tests such as Schirmer, stapedial reflex and electrogustometry have been largely replaced by neurophysiologic tests like nerve excitability test (NET), electroneuronography (ENoG), surface electromyography...

Impaired music perception in children with specific language impairment

This study compares musical skills of children with typical language development with those of children with specific language impairment. Both groups received a test consisting of a melody and a song identification along with a test battery to assess receptive...

CT guided cochlear implant programming improves performance

There is currently no national (UK) consensus on imaging patients for cochlear implantation. This paper may change that. It has shown increased hearing and quality of life in paediatric cochlear implant (CI) users when the programming has been assisted by...

Can intraoperative electrically evoked auditory brainstem responses predict the outcome of cochlear implantation?

Electrophysiology during cochlear implant surgery remains an issue of debate among the various centres. In the present study, the latencies and quality of the eABR waveforms from 74 adult implanted patients were analysed. In addition, four children with severe cochlear...