You searched for "Cognition"

2016 results found

Benefits of combined antiviral and corticosteroid therapy in Bell’s palsy and the role of decompression surgery

Early use of steroids has been established as standard management in Bell’s palsy but simultaneous use of antiviral agents has variable acceptance. This review article analyses statistically based evidence to settle the issue. High quality evidence from a 2009 Cochrane...

In memory of Robert Allan Yorston (10th March 1920 – 1st October 2016)

In this special feature article, Alan Gibb writes a touching tribute to his friend and colleague Dr Bob Yorston, a Dundee otolaryngologist, who had a special talent for humour and art. In addition to illustrating the eighth, ninth and tenth...

A soprano’s demise: a cautionary tale for the thyroid surgeon

Prior to the mid-19th century, thyroid surgery was considered excessively dangerous. The emergence of anaesthetic, antisepsis and improved instrumentation, however, increased its feasibility and frequency in Europe. The unhurried, judiciously antiseptic and haemostatic approach, advocated by Kocher, was popularised and...

The role of the respiratory physician in sleep medicine

ENT surgeons may feel that they are the first point of referral for the majority of patients with snoring and possible obstructive sleep apnoea, but in reality a significant number of patients with sleep-disordered breathing (of any cause) are seen...

Three-dimensional endoscopy for sinonasal procedures: is it really better?

In this interesting study the authors looked at the efficacy of two-dimensional (2D) versus 3D high-definition endoscopes in novice users, not those already trained in 2D. Ninety-two medical students used 2D and 3D endoscopes to complete two validated tasks and...

Bad splits

This is a meta-analysis of reported risk factors of a ‘bad split’ in a sagittal split mandibular osteotomy. They identified 30 observational articles and therefore acknowledged it is based on low quality studies. It is compounded by the definition of...

Leaving an impression – OTOSCAN ear scanning solution

Every person has uniquely-shaped ears that continue to grow over time. Making an accurate reproduction of the ear is an important part of delivering a customised ear product. From the early 1950s, this was achieved using a paste which set...

ENT clinics – 50 years of progress…?

Cocaine in abundance, eustachian tube catheterisation, and the ever-present threat of a fire in the clinic… How have things changed in the last few decades? Retired ENT surgeon, Douglas MacMillan, tells us of his experiences starting out in the late...

Developing ENT and audiology services in Southern Africa

Much has been said of the paucity of ENT and its related services in low- and middle-income countries. This article from a retired paediatric otolaryngologist discusses the progress that has been made locally to redress these health inequalities. He has...

Review: Cochlear Implantation in SSD?

Contra lateral routing of signals (CROS) using hearing aids and bone conduction devices has been the conventionally accepted modality for the treatment of single sided hearing impairment. The CROS hearing aid has been found to improve speech understanding in noise,...

Early results of the Cochlear Osia (active transcutaneous bone-conduction implant) in teenagers

This funded research trial involving 14 adolescents, aged 10 to 17 years, in the Toronto Hospital for Sick Kids was carried out just prior to the new Osia implant obtaining FDA approval for use in the USA. The majority had...