You searched for "Wounds"

2331 results found

Strategic Practice Management – 2nd Edition

I was very pleased to take on the task of reviewing this book as I support Starkey’s Business Development Partnership Programme set up to support the UK and Irish Independent sector and to encourage audiologists to run their own businesses....

Understanding Childhood Hearing Loss – Whole Family Approaches to Living and Thriving

Brian Fligor is an experienced paediatric audiologist working in America. This book was written for the hearing impaired child and their family to demystify the technical and emotional aspects of hearing loss and the journey from diagnosis through to adolescents....

Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery: Clinical reference guide - Fourth Edition

This textbook, well known to North American residents, is now in its fourth edition. It has been extensively revised to include more up-to-date topics, such as robotic surgery, sleep medicine and paediatric otolaryngology. Authors Raza Pasha and Justin Golab aim...

Electronystagmography and Videonystagmography ENG / VNG

This book provides a good reference for anyone starting out in the field of balance assessment, and would be a useful book in any balance assessment clinic as a source of information from anatomy to test interpretation. Anatomy and physiology...

Office-based Rhinology – Principles and Techniques

The 150 pages in this hard-cover textbook are easy to read and well laid out. The book is nicely illustrated with appropriate colour photography and radiological images, and is accompanied by a DVD containing a number of selected surgical procedures....

Acoustic Immittance Measures: Basic and Advanced Practice

Writing a short yet comprehensive textbook to explore the vast and developing field of acoustic immittance measures seems like a challenge. This book aims to explore the core concepts behind immittance testing and provide an update on recent developments within...

Pediatric Audiology: Diagnosis, Technology and Management – Third Edition

Our departmental library has a copy of the first edition of this text, and on the odd occasion it’s not booked out to a student, it makes a very handy reference text to dip in and out of. Having recently...

Is auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder a disorder of the whole eighth cranial nerve?

Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder (ANSD) is now well recognised in audiological circles. Vestibular nerve function has not been extensively studied in ANSD. The authors used cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potential (cVEMP) and caloric tests to assess the integrity of the...

Further understanding of GJB2 hearing loss

For many years, hearing loss has been an area which has attracted the interest of clinical and academic geneticists. Genetic testing for severe-profound hearing loss is now commonplace in many healthcare systems. Understanding the genetics of hearing loss has improved...

News from Soluvos Medical

Autumn is about to start and everyone had hoped that social life, travel and meetings would be back to normal.

Balloon eustachian tuboplasty and inferior turbinectomy

This Taiwanese prospective case-control study looked at concurrent inferior turbinectomy (via submucosal turbinectomy) and balloon eustachian tuboplasty on symptoms related to eustachian tube dysfunction. A total of 50 patients who underwent inferior turbinectomy with balloon eustachian tuboplasty were recruited prospectively...

Which surgical procedure is more effective in treating OSA? Tonsillectomy or modified uvulopalatopharyngoplasty?

Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a recognised condition that is increasing in prevalence, affecting the quality of life in certain individuals. Although the first line management is non-surgical, this paper highlights the two different surgical procedures offered to patients. The...