You searched for "saline"

1018 results found

ENT Board Prep

ENT Board Prep by F Lin and Z Patel is an extremely comprehensive revision guide that covers all topics relevant to the American Board of Otolaryngology exam. UK trainees will undoubtedly also benefit with respect to the FRCS exam, given...

The Surgical Manual of Common Otological Implants

This surgical manual provides a basic overview of the indications, devices and surgical steps for cochlear implants, vibrant soundbridge, bonebridge and bone anchored hearing aids. The text is concise and easy to follow and includes high-quality annotated clinical photographs accompanying...

Vestibular Disorders

This is an excellent compendium of vestibular disorders, edited by two of the leading figures in otolaryngology. It is also a tribute to one of the most extraordinary colleagues, David Pothier, plucked tragically in his prime after a heroic battle...

Voice and unilateral vocal fold paralysis

Voice outcomes are the main comparators when managing unilateral vocal fold paralysis (UVP). In a review of the literature, 11 voice indicators are included in 80% of all articles. However, when surgeons were surveyed on their clinical preferences and their...

How do we manage immune deficiency-related ENT disorders

It is not unusual to come across patients with recurrent sinonasal infections, lung infections and recurrent ear infections needing regular antibiotics in the outpatient setting. Physicians need to have a high index of suspicion that patients may have immune deficiency...

Invasive differentiated thyroid cancer

The majority of patients presenting with differentiated thyroid cancer have early small disease with excellent long-term outcomes. However, aerodigestive tract invasion is reported in around 10% of case series and is a poor prognostic factor. This article has been authored...

Differences in timbral cues’ perception between teenagers with cochlear implants and those with normal hearing

The authors aimed to assess timbral cues’ perception of teenagers with cochlear implants and compare it to the respective perception of normally hearing teenagers. Thirty-four teenagers were included in the study, nine Korean adolescents with cochlear implants and 25 adolescents...

Audiology in palliative care

The goal of palliation is to provide services that are centred on understanding the salient needs for the patient, maintaining quality of life and addressing any functional and supportive needs of the patient and those caring for them. The audiologist...

ENT Medicine and Surgery: Illustrated Clinical Cases

“My mom always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” Forrest Gump may not have been an otolaryngologist, but he certainly nailed the day-to-day experiences of doctors, as does this textbook of...

Objective versus subjective – again!

The use of objective measurements of nasal airflow has a long history; however, its clinical application remains, at most, patchy. The main reason for that has been the lack of convincing studies showing a good correlation between the findings of,...

Allergen specific subcutaneous immunotherapy helps in prolonged control of allergic rhinitis

One of the commonest allergens involved in perennial allergic rhinitis is house dust mite. A good proportion of these cases prove intractable to treatment with oral and intranasal antihistamines and intranasal steroid sprays. Immunotherapy is considered a useful alternative and...

Reflected glory: the race to claim the laryngeal mirror

“None of today’s young doctors can start to imagine the feeling of professional helplessness and despair that prevailed before the invention of the laryngeal mirror. Thousands of people died, whom we were not able to help, or even bring relief...