You searched for "endoscopic"

616 results found

Professor Heinz Stammberger’s pioneering contribution and legacy in the field of FESS

It is no exaggeration to say that functional endoscopic sinus surgery would not exist in its current form without Heinz Stammberger. Prof Valerie Lund traces the development of this relatively recent surgical technique. In the early 1980s, a happy combination...

Recurrent respiratory papilloma treatment in the office

In this interesting new article, Markus Hess and Susanne Fleischer describe their technique for managing recurrent laryngeal papillomatosis in an outpatient setting using channelled endoscopes. The recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) of the larynx is a chronic HPV-associated viral disease. Clinical...

SNAP by endoscope-i (safe endoscopy starts with a SNAP)

endoscope-i have developed a simple yet effective engineered solution to ensure safe nasoendoscopy assisted procedures. The 'SNAP' is a one-way valve that can be retrofitted, in seconds, to any surgical mask. endoscope-i CEO, Chris Coulson, explains: “We are all aware...

Myringoplasty in a bottle?

Management of large traumatic TM perforations can involve observation and water precautions or surgical repair. Closure rates for larger perforations can be 8-12 weeks and occurs for between 38-79%. Animal and human studies have shown that exogenous application of epidermal...

Use of a diode laser for the removal of a frontal sinus osteoma

In this How I Do It, Professor Sergei Karpischenko introduces a gentle method of reduction of mobilised frontal sinus osteoma which has been successfully used in five patients in his university clinic using a diode laser in contact mode. Osteoma...

Do endonasal approaches for meningiomas have more CSF leaks?

Rarely, patients presenting to the ENT surgeon with anosmia may have an anterior skull base neoplasm such as a meningioma. Historically, the traditional approaches have focused on several transcranial, external routes, including the pterional craniotomy, and the subfrontal craniotomy. The...

Video otology tutorials: how EES changes the game

High definition endoscopic ear surgery (EES) redefines traditional middle ear anatomical perspectives. The surgeon can observe in situ anatomical relationships with angled objectives in a way that the traditional microscopic view, with step-wise removal of structures is unable to achieve....

The GP and the ear

General practitioners are the first members of the medical community to deal with ear problems. In this survey, 11 GPs examined 124 patients using a regular otoscope and a video-otoscope and reported their findings in a 10-item table. The same...

Portable otoscopy image capture devices – a comparative review

The use of photo documentation in ENT clinics is becoming more common as technological advances have made the hardware required more accessible. There is significant variation in the price of products. Daniel Moualed, Olivia Whiteside and Chris Aldren review the...

Soluvos Medical looks forward to catching up with you

The Soluvos Medical team is hoping to meet readers at one of the meetings scheduled in the second quarter of the year.

In conversation: Cesare Piazza and Giuseppe Spriano

Declan Costello catches up with the presidents of two important meetings taking place in Italy in June 2023 to discuss the highlights.

Some guidelines for treating rhinological patients during the COVID-19 pandemic

This is a very interesting and informative multinational European guide to the treatment of rhinology patients during the current pandemic, describing the safe delivery of a rhinological service to patients. Much of this has become well understood and standard practice...