You searched for "preoperative"

3994 results found

Can surgery make you a better driver?

Obstructive sleep apnoea is a condition that can have far reaching health, economic and safety implications for the individual inflicted with the condition, as well as those in their immediate and wider surroundings. Having the freedom to drive taken away...

Balloon dilatation of the eustachian tube - largely very safe but not entirely without risk

Consent is a fundamental part of our daily working lives. This is something as simple as consent to examine a patient, consent to undertake a procedure as minor as taking blood, through to consent for a major operation. Whatever the...

Impact of outer ear problems in Northern Ethiopia: experiences of a global outreach clinic

Outer ear disease is one of the commonest reasons for attending the ENT clinic in Ethiopia, just as in the UK. Very little has been published on the experiences of ENT clinics in Ethiopia. Here Yilkal Tassew, Seid Temam and...

Nasal physiology and septal perforations

This interesting article from North Carolina and New York aims to assess the impact of anterior septal perforations on nasal physiology, using computational fluid dynamics and computer simulation. A computerised 3D model was constructed of a normal patient aged 37,...

Hidden genetic disorders in children that may present to the otolaryngologist

Background Among the many hundreds of children presenting to the otolaryngology clinic are a few whose symptoms are due to an underlying genetic condition. In most cases the underlying syndrome is obvious and has already been diagnosed, such as the...

Educational audiologists: adding value, bridging gaps

Educational audiology provides a vital link between health and education by supporting children with hearing loss in educational settings. Joy Rosenberg presents an overview of the training route available in the United Kingdom. Students in lecture. Educational audiologists greatly enhance...

Sound sensitivity in children

Sound tolerance symptoms in young patients can be a challenge, Veronica Kennedy and Claire Benton share their clinical experience in navigating the issues that can arise in diagnosis and management. In any noisy environment, it’s a common sight to see...

The experience of being a new ENT SHO

In this article, Matt Donachie shares insights on the daunting yet enjoyable experience of starting as an ENT junior doctor, offering valuable advice. Starting your first job as a junior doctor in any specialty in the UK can be a...

The business of audiology: unbundling

Many professions, such as law, accounting, engineering and some areas of healthcare charge hourly rates in a fee-for-service model. Administratively, this can be a challenge to track hours, bill clients/patients, and collect payment, but this does lend toward greater transparency...

Towards AI-assisted RF hearing aids

The development of effective hearing-assistive devices is essential as the prevalence of deafness grows with an ageing population. Where can AI support speech understanding? A team from the University of Glasgow discusses how lip‑reading hearing aids could be the future....

ENT and evidence-based medicine: How do they benefit each other?

How do we assess evidence, and how should ENT surgeons use EBM? Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is the practice of medicine based upon high quality scientific research. There are several formal definitions of EBM, the most widely quoted being that of...

The challenge of disrupting the hearing care market in the USA

Barry Freeman, an Audiology Consultant of extensive global experience, examines the business model of hearing care service delivery in America. He discusses the challenges the profession has faced, and proposes some food for thought on learning from other health care...