You searched for "stapling"

1394 results found

An update on laryngeal reinnervation

Laryngeal paralysis remains very difficult to treat, but reinnervation offers many attractions. Laryngeal paralysis presents a unique and varied problem that requires a patient centred approach and a range of treatment options depending on laryngeal and patient factors. There is...

Old age is hard to swallow

This article takes us through the diagnosis and management of swallowing problems common in older age. As our global population continues to grow and live longer, dysphagia will continue to be a global problem which needs to be recognised, understood...

Welcome to ERS2023

For ERS2023, for the first time, the ERS board elected a scientific president to chair the scientific programme committee. The ERS board is very happy that Prof Paolo Castlenuovo was willing to take this task upon himself. Here he outlines...

The effects of polypharmacy in the elderly

Another pill to cure the ill? Alec Lapira discusses the warning signs of polypharmacy in the elderly population. Polypharmacy in the elderly Polypharmacy – defined as the use of five or more medications – occurs in 20–37% of older people...

Welcome to BACO Liverpool: a city with deep roots in ENT

Liverpool is a city steeped in ENT history, so it is fitting that BACO is being held there once more. Ray Clarke, former editor of ENT and Audiology News, casts his eye over the historical legacy of that fine city....

The changing landscape of thyroid and parathyroid surgery

How has clinical practice in the management of thyroid and parathyroid disease has evolved in recent years? I perform very few head & neck operations where the patient tells me just one week following surgery that they ‘feel much better’....

Who’s minding the gap?

In this article we focus on minding the gap between education and clinical audiology for children and young people who are deaf (CYPD) and their families, through interprofessional education. This article is provided by Dr Joy Rosenberg who leads the...

British Academy of Audiology Higher Training Scheme – Head of Service and trainee perspectives

For Jan/Feb 2022, we continue with the topic of the British Academy of Audiology Higher Training Scheme. We hear from Jane Beavan, Clinical and Professional Lead for Audiology/Clinical Scientist in Audiology, and Kim-Maree Collings, Senior Audiologist, from the Countess of...

In conversation with Professor Valerie J Lund CBE

Valerie Lund is Professor of Rhinology at the Ear Institute, University College London and is an Honorary Consultant ENT Surgeon at the Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital (Royal Free Trust), Moorfields Eye Hospital, University College Hospital and Imperial...

Worldwide picture of candidacy for cochlear implantation

Who should get a cochlear implant? Candidacy is one of the most important and widely discussed topics in the field of cochlear implantation. Here, Chris Raine and Debi Vickers outline cochlear implant candidacy in the UK, and compare this with...

Cochlear implantation for single-sided deafness and asymmetric hearing loss

Continuing our sub-theme of cochlear implantation candidacy, Richard Irving and Raghu Kumar review the principles and benefits of cochlear implantation in individuals who have an asymmetric hearing loss. It is well known that cochlear implantation improves auditory capacity, and in...

Finding the right balance: remote dizzy patient consultation during a pandemic

During the COVID pandemic, all our working patterns have changed. One significant impact had been on the management of outpatient consultations and the increase in telephone consultations and enhanced vetting. In this article the authors share their experience of managing...