You searched for "vaccination"

2154 results found

OTC hearing aids

The potential for the deregulation of hearing aid technology, through the Over-The-Counter Act has led to a tremendous amount of opinions and views from all stakeholders in the US. You don’t have to go far on the internet, social media...

The UK otolaryngology trainees’ lived experience during the COVID-19 pandemic

Much has been published on the concerns and real impact of the pandemic on surgical training. In this article, colleagues from the Association of Otorhinolaryngologists in Training (AOT) in the UK share the experiences of their membership. We invite our...

Communicating with patients in 
‘Plain English’

Physicians have long been accused of using unnecessarily complicated language and impenetrable jargon as a way of maintaining their status, prestige and high earnings-potential, bamboozling the public and excluding them from meaningful discussion as part of what George Bernard Shaw...

Adult hearing screening: consideration for a holistic model

Background Adult-onset hearing impairment is a highly prevalent and undertreated chronic problem that poses a significant burden of disease worldwide [1]. It is usually gradual and diagnosed and managed approximately 10 years after adults have first experienced hearing difficulties [2]....

A new criterion for diagnosing chronic tonsillitis?

It is essential to establish the diagnosis of recurrent tonsillitis in patients undergoing tonsillectomy. This is based mainly on history which itself can be inaccurate and is supported by clinical findings which are not truly specific. There seems to be...

Poor allergic rhinitis control increases the overall costs

Allergic rhinitis and asthma are common and can have significant effects on quality of life. However, not many studies have focused on the economic effects. The authors of this study performed a large-scale (over 60,000 patients) observational study to analyse...

Literature review of experience with the BAHA Attract implant

The authors undertook a literature review for reports on patients who underwent BAHA Attract implantation. Of the 497 PubMed articles, 10 studies met their inclusion criteria. All the studies published were observational studies. There were no randomised control trials. The...

Best timing for post-treatment PET-CT scans in head and neck cancer

Unfortunately we know that the recurrence rate for head and neck cancer can be high, up to 30-50% in some series. These recurrences tend to occur within the first two years following treatment. Optimal surveillance strategies to detect recurrences early...

Medical-Legal Evaluation of Hearing Loss

Robert Dobie is a highly experienced and respected international authority in the field of medical-legal assessment in the context of noise induced hearing loss. This book has been written for a broad audience, including otolaryngologists, audiologists and members of the...

Lipofilling for scar improvement

Since Coleman et al. in 1991 reported on lipofilling, numerous applications have been reported; these include but are not limited to contour restoration, lip augmentation, and wrinkle therapy. There has also been some one off reported improvements in scars following...

Imaging and embolisation of paragangliomas

Paragangliomas are rare tumours within the head and neck and any article which succinctly jogs the memory with respect to their existence and subsequent accurate diagnosis is welcome. This article concisely explains the imaging techniques used to diagnose these tumours...

Scott-Brown’s Essential Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery

The three-volume Scott-Brown’s Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery is arguably the definitive encyclopaedia of ENT. Its comprehensive nature, however, limits its utility when preparing for examinations. The authors, in creating an “essential” version, have managed to produce an ideal textbook...