You searched for "dissection"

2153 results found

British Skull Base Society Clinical Consensus Document on Management of Head and Neck Paragangliomas (HNPGLs)

All forms of HNPGLs should be managed by a multidisciplinary team (MDT) of core members from skull base otolaryngology, head and neck surgery, clinical genetics, oncology, endocrinology, vascular surgery, radiology and pathology. Extended members include neurosurgery, endocrine surgery, nuclear medicine,...

Pathways for becoming an audiologist in the USA Part 1: the early years

Part 2 of this topic is available here. The Doctor of Audiology degree is required for clinical practice in the USA. In part one of a two-part series, Professor Hall reviews the evolution of academic credentialing for American audiologists, beginning...

In conversation with Shelly Chadha 2019

Shelly Chadha works at the World Health Organisation as the Medical Officer for ear and hearing care. Here, Alex Griffiths-Brown interviews her to find out more about her career, challenges she’s faced and her ambitions for the future. Shelly Chadha....

In conversation with Shelly Chadha 2019

Shelly Chadha works at the World Health Organisation as the Medical Officer for ear and hearing care. Here, Alex Griffiths-Brown interviews her to find out more about her career, challenges she’s faced and her ambitions for the future. Shelly Chadha....

In conversation with Professor Jos Eggermont

Having known Jos for many years, I jumped at the opportunity to catch up with him for our Nov/Dec 2020 series of tinnitus items. My questions reached him during lockdown, and he was enjoying the chance to get on top...

A brief history of adenoidectomy - a glowing report of the post nasal space

The traditional adenoid curette more closely resembles a medieval torture device than an instrument of cure. Therefore it is not much of a surprise to learn that it has changed little since its invention almost 150 years ago. During that...

COVID-19 ENT Useful Resources

Below is a list of useful resources connected to the COVID-19 pandemic. This list will be updated as and when more become available. 1 June - BLA & ENT UK Guidelines (endorsed by RCSLT) : A graduated return to elective...

Carnoy’s and the KOT

This is a retrospective review of 105 patients with keratocystic odontogenic tumours treated over a 23-year period with a mean follow up of 86 months. The recurrence rate was 11.4%. Permanent neuro-sensory deficit of the inferior alveolar nerve 16%. Younger...

2020 Unmasked: The unmasking of a masked society - By Rele Ologunde

The year 2020 will be embossed in the archives of history and be remembered like none other before it. The dialogue will largely be centred upon the COVID-19 pandemic, the varied response to it by governments across the world and...

The new (digital) face of BIOHIT HealthCare

BIOHIT HealthCare is pleased to announce the launch of its new website, which is designed to make it easier than ever for healthcare professionals to find the information they need.

Fungal rhinosinusitis

Allergic fungal rhinosinusitis (AFRS) has been defined by the following characteristics: presence of nasal discharge, nasal obstruction, decreased sense of smell or facial pressure for 12 weeks, mucin within the sinus cavity containing fungal hyphae and degranulating eosinophils, endoscopic evidence...

Measuring the pitch and loudness of tinnitus

Matching the characteristics of tinnitus Many researchers and clinicians have explored the subjective nature of tinnitus by asking people with tinnitus to adjust a sound so that it matches their tinnitus in some way. This can be useful both for...