You searched for "complications"

2405 results found

In conversation with Professor John Fenton

John Fenton, Republic of Ireland, has recently been appointed President of the Union Européene Des Médicins Spécialistes (UEMS) ORL or European Union of Medical Specialists ORL Section. We caught up with him to find out a little more about his...

Lancet Commission on Hearing Loss

The Lancet Commission on Hearing Loss was convened in 2019, and its main report will be published in 2023. We learn more about it here. The Lancet Commission on Hearing Loss was convened in 2019, and was charged by Richard...

ENT in this issue...IFOS Vancouver

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused us great concern for the health and safety of our patients, communities and colleagues around the world. Although we continue to plan for IFOS 2021 in Vancouver, Canada, at this time, we must plan for...

What is Transnasal Humidified Rapid-Insufflation Ventilatory Exchange (THRIVE)?

THRIVE is a physiological mechanism for oxygenating and ventilating patients who are under general anaesthesia and who have diminished or absent respiratory effort [1]. Classical ventilation requires bulk flow of gases into and out of the lungs driven by chest...

Friendly bacteria in the ear nose and throat to combat the bad…

The author presents a thorough review of bacterial interference and the studies that have been conducted in common ENT conditions. The simple concept is that a strong population of normal flora will interfere with colonisation and subsequent infection by pathogenic...

Microbiome changes after endoscopic sinus surgery: all is not what it seems

As we keep fighting a losing battle with bacteria and antibiotics, it becomes clear that it is not about killing bacteria, not even diminishing the bacterial load, but rather about shifting the different types of bacteria that colonise and live...

4th Annual Inner Ear Disorders Therapeutics Summit

2024 has been an important year with recent back-to-back positive results for gene therapy for rare genetic hearing disorders and major headways in otoprotective, restorative and regenerative small molecules and cell therapies for acquired hearing loss. The Inner Ear Disorders...

Hearing loss: a challenge in Uganda

The charity, Helping Uganda Schools (HUGS), started 25 years ago. It funds the building of schools and sponsors young adults to university level. Education empowers, enhances lives and gives prosperity to countries.

Gain conversational confidence with these apps

As an audiologist, I tend to prioritise a sensory approach to aural rehabilitation by improving auditory function through use of devices, such as hearing aids. However, some patients might require a more multi-faceted approach. To expand my patient resource toolkit,...

Andrew Foster and deaf education

This article examines the career of deaf African American, Andrew Foster, and his contribution to deaf education in Sub-Saharan Africa. The history of medicine has often been guilty of attributing great revolutions to a single person (usually a white man)...

Laryngeal papillomatosis

Laryngeal papillomatosis remains one of the most frustrating conditions seen by laryngologists. Sam Majumdar gives us an overview of the current science and clinical practice. Human papilloma virus is a small (> 8kb) double stranded DNA virus with approximately 200...

The business of audiology: unbundling

Many professions, such as law, accounting, engineering and some areas of healthcare charge hourly rates in a fee-for-service model. Administratively, this can be a challenge to track hours, bill clients/patients, and collect payment, but this does lend toward greater transparency...