You searched for "Wounds"

2305 results found

Hearing rehabilitation for patients with chronic otitis media

Chronic otitis media (COM) commonly causes associated hearing loss. The authors performed a review of the literature, discussed challenges of restoring hearing in patients with COM and potential future work in reporting results both in terms of hearing outcomes and...

Attitudes towards leisure noise

Noise is a very common reason for hearing loss. The question is whether young adults realise the danger of developing a noise related hearing loss. The aim of this study was to evaluate the attitude towards leisure noise and noise...

Helicobacter pylori and chronic tonsillitis

Helicobacter pylori infection in the stomach has long been associated with chronic gastritis, duodenal and peptic ulceration and even gastric cancer. Whether laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) brings up these organisms and induces chronic tonsillitis is an interesting concept, which the authors...

Managing the thyroglossal duct cyst

Although the operation to remove thyroglossal cysts and their tracts is commonly performed, a full understanding of the possible anatomical locations of the tracts may be less appreciated. This article helps the reader understand the possible variations available which should...

Endoscopic Approaches to the Parsanasal Sinuses and Skull Base

This is an excellent book to cover the endoscopic approaches to the paranasal sinuses and skull base with a step-by-step anatomic dissection guide. The editors are a group of eminent skull base otolaryngologists and neurosurgeons in Barcelona, Spain, and they...

Cough no more?

The challenge of the ‘unexplained chronic cough’ that just will not go away is a challenge that frustrates many of us. Often patients have seen respiratory, upper GI and eventually they see you as the last resort! Is behavioural therapy...

Do intratympanic injections require local anaesthesia?

Intratympanic injections are becoming increasingly acceptable in the management of Meniere’s disease, tinnitus and sudden hearing loss. This is because they avoid the need for hospitalisation and can be performed as low-cost outpatient procedures. It is traditional to freeze the...

Improving the temporal contour in reconstruction

A feature of the temporalis flap is the sunken contour left behind. This group from Japan present a variation for filling defects for which we would traditionally use a temporalis muscle containing. The laterally based peri-cranial flap they present uses...

All about velopharyngeal dysfunction

The velopharynx functionally separates the oral from the nasal cavities. Inadequate or abnormal function of this muscular valve affects speech and swallow. Velopharyngeal dysfunction can be subdivided into insufficiency, incompetence and mislearning. This is a review paper and indeed a...

Occupational hazards affecting otolaryngologists

This is a questionnaire survey which received responses from 323 clinicians practising otolaryngology. The grades ranged from consultants to junior doctors. It was noted that nearly half of these respondents suffered from some form of musculoskeletal pain and it highlights...

Malignancies of the Nasal Vestibule

This text is a comprehensive guide to the management of malignancies of the nasal vestibule. The book starts off with a review of the anatomy, patho-physiology and patterns of disease spread for nasal vestibule carcinomas. Of course, no book on...

Paediatric lymphadenopathy – helpful decision making

The authors present a very helpful algorithm to manage cervical lymphadenopathy in children. The goal of managing children with inflamed lymph glands is to identify the rare malignant case and not over-investigate the vast majority of benign reactive swellings –...