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ENT in this issue...Women in Leadership

Sujana S Chandrasekhar, MD, Past President, AAO-HNS/F; Secretary-Treasurer, American Otological Society; Consulting Editor, Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America; Recipient, AAO-HNS WIO Helen Krause Trailblazer Award and AMA Physician Mentor Recognition Award. Emma Stapleton Consultant Otolaryngologist, Cochlear Implant and Skull Base...

Otorhinolaryngology training in Haiti: a call for accompaniment

Haiti is a small Caribbean country in which a group of freedom fighters successfully defied Napoleon and the French military. It has faced embargoes, economic isolation, political crises and devastating natural disasters since its independence. Its GDP is 0.01% of...

Using the Ling-Madell-Hewitt (LMH) Test Battery

Why change a classic? Because of new knowledge and improved technology, of course! Drs Hewitt and Madell present an update to Daniel Ling’s classic speech test. One of Daniel Ling’s legacies is the Ling Six Sound Test which presents six...

Mindfulness meditation: how personal experience of managing severe pain contributes to understanding tinnitus management

In this interesting article the author describes the potential benefit of mindfulness in the management of tinnitus, using a case report to illustrate this.This may well be an additional direction we can suggest for our patients. Mindfulness is a word...

Effects of air pollution and climate change on the upper airways

Dr Alexander Simidchiev is a specialist in internal medicine, pulmonary medicine and public health. He is the Co-Founder and President of Air for Health, a non-profit organisation aimed at educating medical professionals about the impact of air pollution and climate...

Vestibular dysfunction after cochlear implantation in children

Whilst vestibular dysfunction is a known outcome of cochlear implant surgery, do we know the risk factors associated with this, particularly in children? In this article a team from University of Tokyo discuss their findings. Cochlear implantation (CI) is an...

Current update on vestibular and balance disorders in children

Vestibular and balance disorders in children with hearing loss often go unrecognised. This article describes the significant impact such disorders have on the various aspects of children’s development. Vestibular and balance disorders occur in the paediatric population but can go...

Introduction to speech testing

Let’s get back to basics: Dr Schoepflin introduces the concepts behind speech testing for hearing care professionals. While pure tone threshold testing is considered the ‘gold standard’ for assessing auditory sensitivity, the results of pure tone testing provide only limited...

BIHIMA calls for minimum standard for assistive listening systems in theatres

Most theatres use assistive listening systems, but according to the British Irish Hearing Instrument Manufacturers Association (BIHIMA), this does not always ensure a good experience for audiences with hearing loss.

CROS hearing aids existed 10 years before they were even invented!

We all know the principles of CROS aids and the potential benefits they provide to patients, but did you know they were invented many years before they were officially described in literature? In this engaging article, Neil Bauman explains how...

The history of bone-conduction devices

The evolution of bone-conduction hearing devices from the 1400s’ rudimentary designs to today’s advanced models has greatly improved hearing for individuals with conductive or mixed hearing loss. This article delves into the history and technical advancements over the years, as...

Panos Dimitriadis: my experience of the CEORL-HNS

Many of us are invited to ENT conferences throughout the year and, as a trainee, it can sometimes be difficult to decide on which ones will be suitable for our stage in training. In this article, Amir Habeeb interviews Panos...