You searched for "medication"

2677 results found

Clinical coding: variability and error in otolaryngology

The ever topical spectre of coding in otolaryngology is comprehensively evaluated in this article. It attempts to debunk the mystique of current coding practices and the challenge of health informatics in the modern NHS. A total of 3131 randomly selected...

How common is self-reported dysphagia in the general population?

Healthcare policymakers and commissioners of services often review incidence and prevalence data when deciding on resource allocation. The authors of this paper have capitalised on a large dataset, the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA), which collects data on over...

Quality of life measurement tools in children with speech and language difficulties

The authors of this paper reviewed various quality of life measurement tools which are used to assess the effects of speech and language difficulties in children and adolescents. Measuring quality of life outcomes in children with these difficulties is not...

Paediatric salivary gland tumours

This is a review article of a rare group of neoplasms that frequently present as painless preauricular mass in older children. There is a wide differential including first branchial arch abnormalities, inflammatory and granulomatous processes. Those masses that are painless,...

TMJ arthrocentesis

This is a paper from Brazil where they attempted to clarify the volume required for an arthrocentesis to the temporomandibular joint. Nineteen cadavers had methylene blue injected into the upper joint space. Conventional arthrocentesis was then conducted with 300ml of...

KARL STORZ Promotes Medical Training Worldwide

KARL STORZ has a tradition of promoting the further training of doctors across a broad medical spectrum.

Oral, Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Week

A campaign to encourage prevention, early detection and education for patients and survivors of oral, head and neck cancer launches this month.

Management of benign oesophageal strictures

Benign strictures of the upper oesophagus and pharynx, while not very common, can be a challenging condition to successfully manage. The authors of this article provide us with a detailed description of their technique for using the CO2 laser, balloon...

Outcomes of larger glottic cancer volumes treated with radiotherapy

T3 glottic cancer is characterised as vocal cord fixation and/or invasion into pre-epiglottic, post-cricoid, paraglottic spaces and/or within the inner cortex of thyroid cartilage. Traditionally, laryngectomy was considered the primary option to treat T3 laryngeal glottic cancers until other options...

Sublingual gland tumour resection

This paper from South Korea analyses the pathology arising from 20 malignant sublingual gland tumours. Adenoid cystic carcinoma followed by mucoepidermoid carcinomas were the most common. Tumour invasion into the lingual nerve was detected in 40% of cases, and into...

The future of hearing care and the role of audiology

The Clinical Director of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and President-elect of the American Academy of Audiology reviews the status of the present day audiologist’s remit, and discusses the changes we can expect with the changing demographic and behaviour of...

Impact of delaying otologic surgery

In this Belgian study, the authors looked at the impact of delaying otologic surgery by sending an online survey to 44 adult patients diagnosed with benign ear pathology whose surgery was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The questionnaire was...