You searched for "COVID"

1374 results found

Tone deafness and perfect pitch

If you think you are tone deaf, do not despair. Singing tuition should help but it is probably too late to hope to develop perfect pitch. Consultant otolaryngologist and keen musician, Chris Aldren, discusses the complex and fascinating subject of...

The experience of being a new ENT SHO

In this article, Matt Donachie shares insights on the daunting yet enjoyable experience of starting as an ENT junior doctor, offering valuable advice. Starting your first job as a junior doctor in any specialty in the UK can be a...

3D printing and sustainability in audiology and ENT

As we try to avoid disposing of equipment that is still functional, we are challenged by company policies that make equipment ‘obsolete’ and no longer supported for repairs. One innovative solution is provided by 3D printing parts that are needed...

In conversation with John Carlisle: the silent hero shaping medical publication integrity

Have you ever been curious as to what your anaesthetist is getting up to on their laptop during long cases? Me neither, but I always generally assumed they were trading Bitcoin, solving the Riemann hypothesis and buffing their Tinder profile....

Audible Contrast Threshold – a new test to guide setting help-in-noise features in hearing aids

A new diagnostic test that is quick and has directly applicable results to hearing aid settings has arrived, but how does it work? Leigh Martin has the answers. In an earlier article for ENT & Audiology News, Parmar and Rajasingam...

Hyperacusis and autism spectrum disorder

Several different auditory deficits have been found to be co-morbidities of ASD. This article reviews literature with respect to the relationship between hyperacusis and ASD. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be characterised as a neurodevelopmental condition that is marked by...

MedAudPro: a united front for audiology

For the past three years, the Network of Medical Audiology Professionals has been bringing together ENT providers in the USA. Co-founder and President, Patricia Ramos talks about her ambitions for the organisation.

Present and future in myringoplasty

Tympanic membrane perforations are a common finding in ENT practice. Whilst watchful waiting or formal tympanoplasty are standard options – wouldn’t it be amazing if there was a low cost, safe, in-clinic option to immediately help patients (I hear you...

ICG in ENT surgery

The use of fluorescence imaging is well established in the medical sphere, forming an essential arm of medical diagnostics with liver function, ophthalmic angiography, and assessment in cell biology with fluorescence microscopy. Fluorescence imaging in surgery, however, is an evolving...

ENT leadership

Challenges The first challenge is to agree what we mean by the term leadership because there are many different ways in which the term is used. What is, however, a consensus is that the key distinction between leadership and management...

ENT clinics – 50 years of progress…?

Cocaine in abundance, eustachian tube catheterisation, and the ever-present threat of a fire in the clinic… How have things changed in the last few decades? Retired ENT surgeon, Douglas MacMillan, tells us of his experiences starting out in the late...

The future of rhinology

Over the last few decades, rhinology has been one of the most dynamic and progressive areas of ENT. Professor Fokkens is perfectly placed to offer insight into the future possibilities that could transform our patients’ care, many of which are...