You searched for "mastoid"

196 results found

ENT surgical training in Belgium

The authors aimed to identify strength and gaps in ENT training in Belgium through a national survey amongst ENT Belgian trainees. They attempted to contact 94 trainees, with a response rate of 59.5%. Of the respondents, 35.7% rated their level...

Positive practical communication skills for medics

Communication training for medical students generally focuses on communicating with unimpaired individuals. This article describes how a speech and language therapy department at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden trialled a new approach to teaching medical students. Fifty-nine undergraduate medical...

Inspiratory peak flow and tracheostomy

The evaluation of the degree of laryngeal obstruction to indicate a tracheostomy has always been a subjective decision. The authors correlated the visual laryngeal obstruction by flexible nasolaryngoscopy and the peak inspiratory flow using a pocket peak inspiratory flowmeter. Twenty-two...

Swahili speech development in pre-school children

This study describes the speech development of 24 typically developing first language Swahili speaking children between the ages of three and five years 11 months in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and was motivated by the 2013 position paper drafted by...

The outer ear in the visual arts

The ear is an exceptional organ, and quite rightly takes its place in the visual arts, as described by Albert Mudry, who takes us on a whistle-stop tour of the appearance of the ear and its depictions in art throughout...

UV Smart D60: sustainability in every disinfection cycle

The UV Smart D60 is a CE marked (MDR Class IIa) disinfection device specifically designed for channel-less ENT endoscopes and TEE probes.

The fatal illness of Frederick the Noble

Sir Morell Mackenzie is acknowledged as the ‘Father of British Otolaryngology’. He was the leading throat specialist of his time and one of the founders of the Journal of Laryngology and Otology in 1887. He studied in Paris, Vienna and...

TSESI Scholarship: a dream come true for young otolaryngologists

The main objective of the Tarabichi-Stammberger Ear Sinus Institute (TSESI) is to help young otolaryngologists to develop a common learning platform, improve surgical skills and engage in research work. It is the shared observation of Dr Tarabichi and the late...

Tinnitus in patients on therapy with PPI and in PPI non–users

Tinnitus is a chronic and debilitating condition and approximately 10% of the population is afflicted. A myriad of pharmacological treatments for tinnitus are available but only a few controlled studies have shown positive results. The relationship between proton pump inhibitors...

Helicobacter pylori infection delays mucociliary clearance in the nose

Chronic rhinosinusitis is not uncommonly a difficult condition to treat and therefore any possible association of this condition with factors outside the nose and sinuses is the subject of worthwhile research. Impairment of mucociliary clearance is paramount to upper respiratory...

Gastro-oesophageal reflux and cricopharyngeal dysfunction – how do they link?

It has been hypothesised that cricopharyngeal muscle hypertrophy develops as a response to chronic gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. The cricopharyngeus muscle is an important component and contributor to the upper oesophageal sphincter that creates a barrier between the pharynx and oesophagus....

Lymph node ratio is a significant predictor for loco-regional recurrence after neck dissection in patients with papillary thyroid cancer

Lymph node metastases are common in papillary thyroid cancer (PTC), yet the impact of nodal metastases on survival remains unclear. Lymph node density (LND) is the ratio between the number of positive lymph nodes excised and the total number of...