You searched for "jaw"

246 results found

Bluestone and Stool’s Pediatric Otolaryngology – Fifth Edition

What should be the appropriate inter-edition interval of a major multi-volume textbook? The first edition of Bluestone and Stool’s Pediatric Otolaryngology was published as a single volume in 1983, just over 30 years before this fifth edition was in 2014,...

Emergency-safe ENT — Simulation-based course

Report By: Christopher Williams, 5th Year Medical Student, University of Cambridge On 2 March 2019, 30 medical students and foundation doctors gathered at the Norwich and Norfolk University Hospital for a non-profit ENT emergencies course offering a combination of short...

A one-stop state of the art, non-profit healthcare facility in Pune, India

In 2001, a non-profit healthcare facility was founded in Pune India, providing low and middle income group patients with treatment, not only at a minimum cost, but of a quality which bears the stamp of approval by the Royal College...

Academic BACO 2015

Putting together the academic programme for BACO is a monumental task. Academic Chairman Shakeel Saeed and Peter Andrews, the Academic Secretary of the conference, tell us how to make it a success. Conference season is nearly upon us, and Liverpool...

Translating research – transforming lives: the BACO 2020 academic programme

The main attraction of any conference or event is, of course, the academic programme of lectures, workshops and education. Hisham Mehanna, BACO 2020 Academic Chair, and Paul Nankivell, Academic Vice Chair, give us an overview of what to expected in...

The Power of the Voice

An initial glance at the table of contents and layout of Jean Abitbol’s book, The Power of the Voice, might lead one to assume that it is heavy on style but light on substance. A closer reading proves this to...

Redeployment of audiologists during COVID-19

As the demand on intensive therapy units in the NHS increased, volunteers from the audiology profession stepped in to support colleagues. Here, they share their experiences of caring on the frontline. Redefining normal: from outpatients to the ICU By Emilee...

Surgeons and swearing

We will all know colleagues who have raised the act of swearing to an art form; just as Malcolm Tucker in The Thick of It could cut a workmate in half with a well-placed swear word, surgeons can be equally...

Promoting human rights of deaf communities in low-resource settings

Stigma and misconceptions about deafness are serious impediments for many deaf people to realise rights and potential in some of the most challenging situations globally. Around 430 million people are estimated to live with moderate or higher levels of hearing...

Promoting human rights of deaf communities in low-resource settings

Stigma and misconceptions about deafness are serious impediments for many deaf people to realise rights and potential in some of the most challenging situations globally. Around 430 million people are estimated to live with moderate or higher levels of hearing...

The business of audiology: unbundling

Many professions, such as law, accounting, engineering and some areas of healthcare charge hourly rates in a fee-for-service model. Administratively, this can be a challenge to track hours, bill clients/patients, and collect payment, but this does lend toward greater transparency...

Anxiety and acronyms – musings of an otolaryngologist

Personal protective equipment (PPE) has been a focus of attention and concern for healthcare workers around the globe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Neil Tolley discusses some of the issues. I write this article in mid-May when, were it not for...