You searched for "Cancer"

1692 results found

The first major NHS cancer case performed at HCA London Bridge Hospital Cancer Centre

In the words of Mr Jean - Pierre Jeannon, 'we will get through this together'. Never better demonstrated than through the life saving team work seen yesterday led by JP and Mr Ricard Simo...CLICK HERE

Postoperative radiation in early stage oropharyngeal squamous cell cancer (OPSCC)

There is significant variation in treatment strategies for OPSCC between units. This is largely due to unanswered questions which continue to exist beyond the published literature. We know that human papilloma virus status has a significant influence on prognosis but...

Is dissection of level IV necessary in patients with negative neck oral cancer?

Supraomohyoid neck dissection (SOHND) refers to the removal of lymph nodes contained in levels I-III and is currently referred to as a selective neck dissection levels I-III. This type of neck dissection has been frequently used in the management of...

Intraoperative identification of primary tumours in unknown primary head and neck cancer using transoral laser microsurgery with frozen sections

The aim of the study was to compare the sensitivity and specificity of intraoperative identification of primary tumours in patients with unknown primary head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (UP HNSCC) using transoral laser microsurgery (TLM) with frozen sections, with...

The newest robot from da Vinci – what can it offer for hypopharyngeal cancer surgery?

The standard existing da Vinci surgical robot (the Si model) has been much maligned for not being optimally designed for transoral access and endoscopic manoeuvrability in head and neck surgery. This preclinical work from Holsinger and his team looks at...

Oral, Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Week

A campaign to encourage prevention, early detection and education for patients and survivors of oral, head and neck cancer launches this month.