You searched for "APD"

807 results found

mHealth technologies empower users of hearing healthcare

The opportunities provided by mhealth technologies to personalise and encourage user involvement in hearing healthcare has many benefits for adults with hearing loss. Melanie Ferguson explains how mhealth can empower hearing aid users. Connected health is likely to transform hearing...

Otovent new app launched – come and explore Otopia!

Otovent proudly launches their new fun, easy to use app to help track Otovent use.

How I lost my hearing aid…and other patient experiences

All audiologists, I am sure, would claim that they give full explanations of hearing aid controls and use of the devices at all fitting appointments. However, we know that patients do not always absorb all that they are told and...

OTC hearing aids

The potential for the deregulation of hearing aid technology, through the Over-The-Counter Act has led to a tremendous amount of opinions and views from all stakeholders in the US. You don’t have to go far on the internet, social media...

Hearing Aid Dispensing Training Manual

The Hearing Aid Dispensing Training Manual is primarily designed to support those sitting their State Hearing Aid Dispensing practical exams in the US. The book is easy to read, comprehensive and logical in its approach to supporting those sitting their...

Bone bridge conduction device for patients with bilateral microtia-atresia.

Management of microtia-atresia requires a multidisciplinary approach. Children normally require bone conduction hearing aid devices very early in life to improve and facilitate speech and language development. At a later stage, when the cranial bones have strengthened and become thicker,...

Hearing aids 2019: today’s technology

High-end or basic hearing aids: does the technology level make a difference? Catherine Palmer shares the current evidence base and suggests where hearing healthcare professionals can make the most impact. The most common complaint from individuals with mild-to-moderately severe hearing...

Neosensory Buzz: can a wristband really help with sound awareness and tinnitus?

As an audiologist, I am always looking for alternative and innovative solutions for patients who have tried all other traditional approaches. What else can I offer to patients who struggle to hear, even with appropriate amplification, or those who struggle... a recipe for success with hearing aids?

Technology simplifies our lives: agree or disagree? For me, the answer to that statement can vary quite a bit throughout any given day. As much as I am now able to communicate, check my bank account, share photos, and find...

EUHA seeks start-ups

For the first time, the Europäische Union der Hörakustiker (EUHA) is offering you the opportunity to share your ideas in the centre of the industry exhibition in Hanover at the 68th International Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians, 16–18 October.

Industry update: rechargeable hearing aid batteries

They may be similar in size to a watch battery, but there is a drastic difference between the frequency with which hearing aid batteries need to be changed compared to the simple watch battery. Unlike a watch battery, which may...

Digital otoscopy with AI diagnostic support: making diagnosis of ear disease more accessible

Following Carolina Leal’s interview with Prof De Wet Swanepoel on the HearScope system, Spotlight on Innovation asked Dr Jenny Nesgaard Pedersen to review the new AI feature in HearScope system’s capabilities. In the last decade, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine...