Tech Reviews
Back to the Future
Normally my objective for this column is to highlight an innovation that is already fully realised and on the market. Sometimes it can be fun instead to look forward to what innovations are coming down the pipeline. With that in... a recipe for success with hearing aids?
Technology simplifies our lives: agree or disagree? For me, the answer to that statement can vary quite a bit throughout any given day. As much as I am now able to communicate, check my bank account, share photos, and find...
Tinnitus? There’s an app for that
Chronic tinnitus. It is difficult to treat and can have a debilitating impact on those who suffer from it. To date, there is no treatment that is guaranteed to make tinnitus go away, though there are several existing treatments that...
A ‘smarter’ way to examine the ear?
Otoscopes and endoscopes, essential tools for ENTs, audiologists, and general practitioners, are on the receiving end of a modern twist thanks to smartphone technology. Aimed at adapting smartphones for otoscopic and endoscopic imaging, these reimagined devices might just change the...