Assessing the impact of e-cigarette smoke on the vocal fold

While the use of electronic-cigarettes (e-cigs) is increasing rapidly, little is known about the effects this has on the health of vocal fold. In this translational research study, authors compared the effects of e-cig vapour and cigarette smoke on an...

Make food thy medicine!

This is a useful paper emphasising how diet affects health and various ENT conditions. We have known for many years the power of food as medicine. We also know that what we eat can affect our bodies in multiple ways...

How do we manage immune deficiency-related ENT disorders

It is not unusual to come across patients with recurrent sinonasal infections, lung infections and recurrent ear infections needing regular antibiotics in the outpatient setting. Physicians need to have a high index of suspicion that patients may have immune deficiency...

It is all so COSI…

Something which we have realised for a long time in the UK is the importance of the clinician in the assessment and long-term adoption of hearing aids. This common sense article outlines the need for more individualised patient pathways, thinking...

The case of the women and the words: intensive therapy can help many years post stroke

Aphasia, a language impairment impacting on a person’s ability to speak, understand, read and write, is most commonly caused by a stroke. Speech and language therapists are trained to work with people with aphasia, often aiming for restitution and rehabilitation...

Liver function assessment in glandular fever

This month’s Editors’ Choice is a systematic review of the role of liver assessment in patients with glandular fever. Admission of patients with sore throat constitutes a significant burden of acute work for paediatric and adult ENT services as well...

Diagnostic features of acute invasive fungal sinusitis

Acute invasive fungal sinusitis (AIFS) is a rare but frequently lethal condition, commonly associated with a high morbidity among those that survive. It has gained recent media attention on account of its increased incidence following infection with (and treatment for)...

Blood-sampling prognostic predictors for Bell’s palsy

Bell’s palsy is generally defined as an acute-onset unilateral idiopathic mononeuropathy in the facial nerve. It is of unknown aetiology, however, inflammation is considered a major cause. Electroneurography assessing nerve excitability is the most reliable examination for predicting prognosis of...

Measurement of HINTS in peripheral vestibulopathy

Dizziness; Head impulse test; Nystagmus; Skew deviation; Vertigo.

Balloon eustachian tuboplasty and inferior turbinectomy

This Taiwanese prospective case-control study looked at concurrent inferior turbinectomy (via submucosal turbinectomy) and balloon eustachian tuboplasty on symptoms related to eustachian tube dysfunction. A total of 50 patients who underwent inferior turbinectomy with balloon eustachian tuboplasty were recruited prospectively...

How common is dysphonia and dysphagia after cardiac surgery?

Patients undergoing cardiac surgeries, such as coronary artery bypass (CABG) and valve operations, are usually informed that there may be some risk of laryngeal complications that could result in a dysphonia or dysphagia. This may be due to factors including...

Low-frequency air-bone gaps appear to be a true audiological finding in Ménière’s disease

There is a lack of established objective tests in Ménière’s disease (MD) that can provide information about the disease process. The appearance of low-frequency air-bone gaps (LFABGs) in MD is a recognised but unexplored phenomenon. Two theories have been suggested...