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The study notes that the pure tone audiogram has been the primary clinical and counselling tool used by clinicians to assess and describe hearing thresholds to individuals and families since 1922. The Ida Institutes, ‘My Hearing Explained’ tool has become available more recently, and the tool aims to improve access to person-centred care by individualising feedback on the test and relating this to individuals’ unique personal needs and experiences. This study offers an exploration of the tool, its efficacy with regards to perceived understanding and client and audiologist satisfaction, compared to the more conventional use of the audiogram. A mixed-method design randomised two groups, the first receiving audiogram-based feedback, the other receiving feedback using the My Hearing Explained tool. A second phase of the study constituted two focus groups with both audiologist and client participants. Results suggest overall satisfaction ratings were higher using the tool, although not statistically significantly so. It would also seem that audiologists were comfortable using the tool for feedback, but maintain use of the audiogram is essential alongside it. Thus, the tool can be used to enhance care more so than replace PTA. The tool appears to facilitate engagement and conversation, and offers a platform for recommendations that expand beyond hearing aiding and further into communication support and strategies. Audiologists suggested the tool may improve a client’s ability to listen and fully comprehend information offered at assessment. Using the audiogram alone, they reported clients would often say they have understood yet do not recall the information at a later stage.

Satisfaction with hearing assessment feedback using the My Hearing Explained tool: client and audiologist perceptions.
Nell LA, Asmail FM, De Sousa KC, et al.
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Charlotte Rogers

BSc Healthcare Science (Audiology), Allied Health Sciences, De Montfort University, Leicester.

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