In this article, the authors report on the long-term (five- and 10-year) survival, local recurrence rate and cause of death in a cohort of 46 patients with T3M0N0 glottic carcinoma undergoing supracricoid laryngectomy. The five- and 10-year survival were 78% and 53% respectively. The actuarial survival rate was 90.5 % and the global local failure rate was 2.3%, with the most significant predictor of local recurrence being compromised surgical margins. Given these favourable results, the authors advocate the continuous teaching and practice of this type of surgery, even in locally advanced cases with glottic carcinoma in carefully selected cases.
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Supracricoid laryngectomy revisited
Reviewed by Badr Eldin Mostafa
Badr Eldin Mostafa
Ain-Shams Faculty of Medicine, Almaza , Heliopolis, Egypt.
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