Rhinosinusitis in secondary school children - Part 2: main project analysis of MSNOT-20 Young Persons Questionnaire (MSYPQ) This study used the modified SNOT-20 in Young Persons Questionnaire (MSYPQ) to evaluate the prevalence and effects of rhinosinusitis in adolescent children (aged 11-16 years). This was performed in three large secondary schools in the UK with one group completing the MSYPQ and another the ARIA-based questions for comparison. This involved face to face interviews and postal surveys. 71% scored an abnormal value on the MSPYQ for at least one symptom, 32% of those assessed suffered from symptoms compatible with rhinitis and more than 20% suffered from the effects on quality of life. Cough was one of the significant symptoms (80%), followed by nasal discharge (75%) and malodourous breath (50%). The ARIA group showed that symptoms were intermittent in 44% and confirmed significant impairment of sleep and daily activities. The authors concluded that the MSYPQ demonstrates a high prevalence and impact on quality of life of rhinitis and rhinosinustis symptoms in adolescents, with levels comparable to results from an adult population. They also concluded that the MSYPQ rhinitis subgroup of questions was concordant with ARIA-based questions.

Rhinosinusitis in secondary school children – Part 2: main project analysis of MSNOT-20 young persons questionnaire (MSYPQ).
Sami AS, Scadding GK.
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Lakhbinder Pabla

James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough, UK.

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