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Peritonsillar abscesses are frequently encountered in clinical practice. Standard treatment includes empirical medical treatment and drainage. This study aimed at evaluating the value of culture and sensitivity testing of the aspirate in guiding antibiotic treatment. Patients received empirically amoxycillin, amoxycillin / clavulanic or clarithrpmycin. Culture and sensitivity testing was carried out in 106 patients out of a total of 207. The commonest isolated organisms were Strep pyogenes, Strept constellatus and Prevotella. In none of the studied cases did the test lead to any modifications in the already established empirical antibiotic therapy. The authors conclude that culture and sensitivity do not add much in the management of these cases except in cases with potential complications or immunosuppression.

Cytobacteriological testing of drainage pus from peritonsillar abscess is not contributive in clinical practice: A STROBE analysis.
Bivahagumye L, Gosselet V, Cambier S, et al.
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Badr Eldin Mostafa

Ain-Shams Faculty of Medicine, Almaza , Heliopolis, Egypt.

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