Taking into account the complex parameters involved in cochlear implant fitting, it appears that the procedure is becoming more and more difficult and variable across cochlear implant centres. For this reason, a software programme called FOX was designed attempting to facilitate and standardise the procedure. The authors compared FOX with the standard fitting procedure with regard to the fitting time and the efficiency in achieving improvements in speech perception.The subjects included 27 adult implantees in various cochlear implant centres across Europe. The results revealed that the fitting time using FOX was significantly reduced at 14 days but not afterwards. This controlled, randomised study has weaknesses including multicentre nature and no well-matched groups. However, it is a first attempt to facilitate and standardise the procedure and as such is more than welcome. Such software programmes may be proven very valuable in the future.

Assessment of ‘Fitting to Outcomes Expert’ FOX™ with new cochlear implant users in a multi-centre study.
Battmer RD, Borel S, Brendel M, et al.
2015;16(2): 100-109.
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Thomas Nikolopoulos

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Athens, Greece.

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