Implantation in children deafened by meningitis may be very challenging due to obliteration or ossification of the cochlea. This study aimed to assess impedance values and charge consumption in such cases and evaluate if they are affected by the degree of the obliteration / ossification. Forty-nine implanted children deafened by meningitis and 43 implanted children deafened by other causes were compared. The results revealed that subjects had significantly higher impedances in comparison to the controls, although the degree of ossification did not seem to influence them. This is rather odd and not expected. Either the number of subjects was too small which did not allow the difference to be revealed or there is another explanation that we cannot identify. The two groups were comparable in charge consumption. However, when children with grade 2 ossification were compared to the controls, a statistically significant difference was found. Interesting study, although it seems that larger numbers would allow more valid conclusions.

Cochlear implantation in children with bacterial meningitic deafness: The influence of the degree of ossification and obliteration on impedance and charge of the implant.
Durisin M, Büchner A, Lesinski-Schiedat A, Bartling S, Warnecke A, Lenarz T.
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Thomas Nikolopoulos

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Athens, Greece.

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