In the last decade, several case series and case reports describing hearing rehabilitation with cochlear implants (CI) in patients with inner ear schwannomas (IES) have been published. This systematic review and meta-analysis studied audiological outcomes from 110 patients (111 ears) in 27 reports. Below average performance was observed in higher complexity tumours involving the inner ear and internal auditory canal and / or cerebellopontine angle, patients with neurofibromatosis type 2, cochlear implantation without removal of the tumour and in patients with sequential cochlear implantation after tumour removal. The authors conclude that above-average speech performance can be achieved in most patients with IES after cochlear implantation. They recommend standardised outcome parameters across countries to help compare different languages.
Audiological outcomes after CI in patients with inner ear schwannomas
By Gauri Mankekar
Cochlear implantation in patients with inner ear schwannomas: a systematic review and meta-analysis of audiological outcomes.
Gauri Mankekar
Department of Otolaryngology-Head Neck Surgery, Louisiana State University Shreveport, Louisiana, USA.
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