Many studies in the past have attempted to correlate electrical stapedius reflex threshold (eSRT) and comfort levels in implantees, mainly to assist fitting in young children or adults with difficulties in cooperation with audiologists. The present study assessed 11 adult implantees comparing eSRTs with comfort levels at two weeks and at one year post-fitting. The results revealed a pretty good correlation; Pearson correlation coefficients of 0.65 at two weeks and 0.60 at one year (both statistically significant). Finally, the authors claimed that they have calculated a predictive equation model with a clinically acceptable margin of error. However, the sample size is quite small with only 11 patients. In addition, a study of users’ preferences and performance under behavioural and predicted comfort levels would help to assess the margin of error. Finally, all these assessments concern individual channels and not a group of channels and the latter could make a difference. 

Comparison of eSRTs and comfort levels in users of Digisonic SP cochlear implants.
Bergeron F, Hotton M.
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Thomas Nikolopoulos

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Athens, Greece.

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