Relationship between high resolution radiological features of the otic capsuleand audiometric parameters in patients with otscerosis

The audiometric pattern in patients with otosclerosis and outcomes of stapedectomy are variable. Whether this has anything to do with the number of sites affected by otosclerosis in the otic capsule and the disease pattern according to foci location, foci...

Correlation between middle ear and mastoid volumes with results of type 1 paediatric tympanoplasty

This is a retrospective study of 45 paediatric patients, aged between eight and 18 years, who underwent Type 1 cartilage graft tympanoplasty using conchal cartilage. Middle ear and mastoid volumes of these children were correlated with anatomical and functional outcomes...

Role of maxillary sinus irrigation as an adjuvant to current management of chronic rhinusitis without polyposis

Several decades have passed since irrigation of maxillary sinuses generally became a treatment of the past. A more recent concept of biofilms may have evoked new interest in this past procedure, fraught with its own issues. In this study, the...

Accuracy of CT scans for cholesteatoma and its complications

Chronic ear disease with cholesteatoma generally requires active surgical management and the requirement for this needs precise assessment. A retrospective study was conducted to evaluate the accuracy of CT scan findings in terms of predicting cholesteatoma and its associated complications...