Is there hope of hearing for postmeningitic patients deemed unsuitable for a cochlear implant?

Rehabilitation of patients with profound hearing loss deemed unsuitable for cochlear implants is challenging. An auditory brainstem implant (ABI) is a viable option for these patients. This paper evaluates auditory and speech perception outcome measures following ABI in 10 postmeningitic...

Oral versus oral and intratympanic corticosteroid treatment for sudden sensorineural hearing loss

The 2012 American Academy of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery Foundation (AAO-HNSF) clinical practice guidelines on sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) have two statements that address steroid use. Statement eight indicates an option to offer corticosteroid as initial treatment for...

Is there a role for hyperbaric treatment in sudden hearing loss?

Sudden sensorineural hearing loss is a common presentation to ENT departments with a significant difference in management both at a local and regional level. The authors seek to clarify the role of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in combination with oral and...

Cognition outcomes after cochlear implantation – is there an improvement?

Older adults with a severe to profound hearing loss are more at risk of cognitive decline than adults of a similar age with milder losses or normal hearing. This poses challenges, not only in the assessment process, but also for...

Does surgery work for acquired stenosis of the ear canal in the long term?

The surgical treatment of acquired post-inflammatory atresia of the external auditory canal (EAC), namely meatoplasty, is challenging with variable long-term outcome. This study looked at the clinical, audiological data, long-term outcome and patient satisfaction after performing meatoplasty. Sixteen patients were...

Internet-based aural rehabilitation (IAR)

Rapid information technology development allows use of the internet in several areas. It is therefore not surprising that online rehabilitation programmes attract a large interest of researchers worldwide. This study aimed to analyse what participants’ experiences of IAR are. The...

Speech perception in the ageing population

Speech perception can present a challenge as we grow older. One of the factors responsible is, of course, hearing loss. Now research indicates that other non-auditory factors like cognitive decline may also contribute to difficulties in understanding speech. The authors...

Does stress and anxiety worsen idiopathic sudden hearing loss outcomes?

There have been suggestions that the natural course of the idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSNHL) is not affected by intensive therapy. There is speculation as to whether unknown factors affect the treatment prognosis. This is a retrospective study of...

Directional microphones and speech

This study aimed to research how speech recognition, listening effort and localisation depends on hearing aids’ microphone configuration in people with moderate to severe hearing losses. Eighteen participants with sensorineural, symmetrical, moderate to severe hearing loss were tested. Participants were...

Should intratympanic steroids be the first line treatment for sudden sensorineural hearing loss?

This article looked at whether intratympanic steroids (ITS) provide more benefits over systemic steroid therapy (SST) as initial therapy in patients with idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSHL). This meta-analysis study, based on published RCTs, concluded that ITS treatment exhibited...

Cochlear microphonics in children

Cochlear microphonics (CM) are generated mainly from outer hair cells and are routinely tested in children with hearing loss in some parts of the world. In this retrospective study, the aim was to compare the cochlear microphonics features (mainly CM...

Is bone cement a cost-effective solution?

This study looks at the functional results of 52 patients who underwent bone cement ossiculoplasty. Patients were divided into four groups based on ossicular disruption. Group 1 (30 patients) had lenticular erosion only. Group 2 (13 patients) had absent incus....