Journal Reviews
Identification of congenital hearing loss in Saudi Arabia
It has long been recognised that timely recognition of congenital hearing loss allows for the morbidity of hearing loss to be minimised. Due to the difficulties with identifying hearing loss in babies, combined with readily available screening technologies, many countries...
Swallow this: management of dysphagia post-stroke
We know that between 50% and 80% of people who have had a stroke present with swallowing difficulties that may be associated with even a small lesion of the cortical or subcortical brain regions. This article provides an up-to-date overview...
Do it like a techy: telepractice in SLT for people with Parkinson’s disease
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurological condition in Australia, and communication difficulties are reported by 90% of people with the condition. Unfortunately, not all people with PD have access to speech and language therapy services due to...
‘Pen’doscope - writing in a reduction in healthcare delivery costs
Optimal management of cleft lip and palate requires a multidisciplinary team approach to treatment, with the goal being maintenance of facial growth and improvement in speech and hearing, in addition to closure of the cleft. This can be especially challenging...
Daflon – a new way to treat idiopathic epistaxis
Epistaxis is a common ENT emergency and most cases are idiopathic. Flavonoids are natural substances with variable phenolic structures that are found in fruit and vegetables and take effect on blood vessels. Daflon is proposed to control epistaxis by “improving...
Work and the risk and carcinoma of the larynx
This is a census on the national cancer registry in France to detect professions at a higher risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx. During the period 2001-2016 there were 244 registered cases of cancer of the larynx. Amongst...
Lingual tonsils and obstrucive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS)
Obstructive sleep apnoea can be due to narrowing of the retrolingual space by hypertrophic lingual tonsils. The authors studied 11 patients (five males and six females with a mean age of 44.3 years and a mean BMI of 28.6). All...
Narrow band imaging improves diagnosis of malignant laryngeal lesions
The manufacturers of narrow band imaging (NBI) claim better visualisation of mucosal abnormalities when compared with simple white light. The primary aim of the study was to compare the diagnostic accuracy of NBI and white light to diagnose malignant laryngeal...
Is bone scanning still of value?
This is an article from Australia of 109 patients, 83 of which had CT, 72 MRI and the presence of bone invasion on imaging was compared with the histopathology. Bone invasion was present in 44 of 109 resection specimens. Bone...
A global survey of tracheostomy healthcare provision and patient participation: requirements for improvement
Patients with tracheostomy require comprehensive care which should begin in the preoperative phase and go through immediate postoperative and discharge phases with patient involvement as well. The authors assessed this with a multicentre, cross-sectional survey using a mailing list held...
Do you feel me? Emotional processing post-traumatic brain injury
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) accounted for just under three million accident and emergency admissions in the US in 2013, with common causes including falls, traffic accidents and assaults. Difficulties processing and expressing affective communication is a common sequela of TBI...
Deglutition in pharyngolaryngectomy patients
Circular defects after total pharyngolaryngectomy present a reconstructive challenge. In this study, the authors compared the swallowing results after three reconstructive techniques: free forearm flap, free jejunal loop and folded pectoralis major flap. Forty-six patients were included and were evaluated...