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My overall impression of this book is that I liked it. While it reports to be designed for a trainee or junior practitioner, it may be useful for clinicians for whom vestibular conditions and testing is an area of heart-sink and angst.

The approach this book takes is to provide an overview of vestibular diagnostic criteria, clinical and diagnostic assessments before using case vignettes to illustrate the clinical processes in action. It does not cover vestibular anatomy and physiology. It is not a bells and whistles of everything you need to know about vestibular pathology and management. It is, however, is a useful book for anyone wishing to get their head around the practical basics of seeing a patient with vestibular issues.

The book contains an easy-to-read 145 pages. The first chapter sets the scene with a brief overview of common vestibular diagnoses including vestibular migraine, common BPPV variants, vestibular paroxysmia and 3PD (persistent postural perceptual dizziness), the diagnostic criteria being based on the International Classification of Vestibular Disorders from the Bárány Society. It then gives a brief overview of auditory, vestibular and radiological testing. Chapter two provides a matrix of which tests may be helpful in different conditions while chapter three mainly provides an introduction to BPPV manoeuvres.

The most useful feature of this book is in its third section where, through 27 cases, it briefly explores clinical scenarios, providing clinical and diagnostic test findings allowing the readers to declare their impressions before providing a short interpretation of the results, subsequent clinical differential diagnoses and suggested management. Each case provides references for further reading. I rate it 4/5 as it is a bit pricey and perhaps too brief but would recommend it as a useful training book for a departmental library.

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Veronica Kennedy

FRCS Ed(Oto) FRCP FRCPCH, Consultant in Audiovestibular Medicine, Paediatric Audiology Service, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust, Halliwell Children’s Centre, Bolton, UK.

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