This single volume, 1098 page book with 667 illustrations, covers all aspects of otolaryngology in both theory and practice. Compiled together by a team of world renowned co-editors from North America, as well as authors from differing specialities, this book also gives an insight into more specialist topic areas, such as snoring and cleft surgery and phonomicrosurgery, on top of the in-depth overviews of everyday topics suitable to the practising otolaryngologist.

Well summarised key points entitled the ‘roundsmanship’, straight forward management algorithms and chapters covering allied health specialities (e.g. audiology and speech and language therapy) provide greater insight, which helps to make this book the ideal companion for any otolaryngology trainee. As an otolaryngology trainee myself, I became immediately immersed in the first chapter entitled ‘Head and Neck Emergencies’ which is extremely well laid out and easy to read. I found it very useful that this chapter also covers less conventional emergencies, such as parotid duct injury and arterial and venous obstruction following microvascular reconstruction, which are not uncommon in the on-call scenario.

Costing around £140, this textbook trumps its competitors in terms of providing up-to-date, quality clinical information that is value for money. Areas for development include evidence-based references in addition to the recommended reading list.

Overall, this is a book I would most certainly recommend to both senior and junior colleagues, and one I’m sure shall retain its bookshelf status for many years to come!

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Hala Kanona

The Royal National Ear Nose and Throat and Eastman Dental Hospital, University College London Hospitals NHS Trust, UK.

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