Temporal Bone Histology and Radiology Atlas is an outstanding reference and training manual which will be a rewarding read and purchase for all otolaryngology trainees and, in particular, senior trainees and consultants. Neuro-radiologists and neuro-otologists will enjoy comparing the beautifully-prepared specimens with their accompanying radiology images.

The authors’ backgrounds help explain the success of the book. Sujana Chandrasekhar is past-President of the American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (and only the third woman ever to hold this post), and a neuro-otologist in New York. Hosakere Chandrasekhar, as Associate Professor at NYU Medical Center, developed their temporal bone laboratory into one of the country’s pre-eminent laboratories, with specimens catalogued in the National Temporal Bone Registry. They are supported by a number of distinguished co-authors.

The book starts by explaining techniques of temporal bone preparation and radiology with exquisite specimens showing superior semi-circular canal dehiscence and otosclerosis. There is a striking Toluidine blue temporal bone section with an in situ stapes prosthesis for example. However, the book is primarily an atlas of temporal bone anatomy, rather than pathology, and the images mostly CT rather than MRI.
A chapter dedicated to facial nerve anatomy compares histological sections, CT, and MRI images. Here, a few more radiological images may have helped, though many do appear in later chapters.

Otosclerosis, in particular is very well featured in this atlas, and this condition alone would make purchase of the book worthwhile. The subtle imaging signs of otosclerosis are clearly explained and contrasted to the histological equivalents, not only demonstrating diagnostic criteria but also helping understand the nature of the disease, and of course the relevant surgical anatomy.

Microscopic and macroscopic images of temporal bone specimens are of very high quality, and are often compared beside their equivalent radiology images in normal specimens in fine detail, allowing a greater understanding of the anatomy than could be achieved in pure histology or radiology texts.

I have thoroughly enjoyed working my way through the atlas. For those wishing to further their understanding of the complex anatomy of the temporal bone, this would be a very worthwhile addition to your bookshelf.

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Peter A Rea (Prof)

University Hospitals of Leicester; Honorary Professor of Balance Medicine, De Montfort University.

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