This textbook with 240 pages is well laid out, very well illustrated including colour photographs and has excellent summary boxes at the end of individual sections.

Up to one fifth of adults have some form of olfactory dysfunction and as such olfactory disorders are frequent presenting complaints to ENT surgeons. It was therefore with interest that I picked up this book.

Initial chapters concentrate on the relevant anatomy, including the vomeronasal organ, currently known to have little impact in the human. Useful chapters on clinical work-up and diagnostic evaluation follow – these include the important points that should be noted when taking a history and upon on examination.

Chapter 6 provides a helpful summary of the chemosensory assessments for evaluation of either olfactory or gustatory problems. The remaining chapters outline the various congenital or acquired causes that are responsible for loss of either sense. Chapter 10 examines current knowledge on the understanding of these problems in children, for whom specific validated assessments are available. It appears children as young as six years can undergo testing with accuracy.

The second section of the book looks in more detail at taste disturbances and their assessment. A useful review of the management of burning tongue syndrome is notable. Finally, for those with a medicolegal practice a chapter provides tips on preparing an expert opinion in smell or taste disturbance.

Overall this text is very readable and well presented. However, its appeal to most ENT surgeons as a niche text is likely to me limited. Those with a particular interest in olfactory or gustatory issues will find it a very useful summary of current knowledge.

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Sean Carrie

MB FRCS, Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK; President of the European Rhinologic Society.

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